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Topic: 802.1x client for OpenWRT?

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I just installed OpenWRT on my WRT54, in fact OpenWRT is the reason I bought this box.

Now I wonder if there is a package for OpenWRT containing an 802.1x-client for doing EAP-Authentification on a wired LAN connection.

I'm using xsupplicant ( on my linux-box at the moment to be able to connect to a university network.

If no package exists, is there a HowTo explaining how to cross-compile for OpenWRT? It shoudn't be that complicated for xsupplicant, I think, or, mmh, hope.

Thank you


You can find xsupplicant here : … mipsel.ipk

I have tested it with eap/tls and ttls and it works fine.

You will have to install the libssl package also, which is a little bit larger.

Feed back using xsupplicant would be really appreciated wink


installed the xsupplicant-package some days ago, works great.

- adding the ipkg-source and ipkg update
- ipkg install xsupplicant
- copying my destop's xsupplicant.conf
- writing a shot script /etc/init.d/S60xsupplicant

was enough to get everything running fine.

I'm using EAP/MD5 to connect to our university network.

Thanks very much


Can you please send me your S60xsupplicant file so that I integrate it int the ipkg ?

Thanks a lot by advance smile

Can anybody provide a link to someplace describing how to setup a complete system? This looks like it is just the thing I am looking for but I need to know how to get it setup. I googled but that has not returned much. So if anybody has a good link(s) I would love to hear it. I am especially interested in the TTLS stuff. is widely documented and the configuration file is really intuitive so you can configure your own xsupplicant with the given informations.

I did read the Open1x documentation cover to cover that was not quite what I was looking for.

What I was wondering if there is a good link to setting up a authenticator. That the Xsupplicant could use.

The documentaion does not talk about that at all so is there anything else out there? Is Open1x not the program to use as the authenticator?

Closer, I want to test the OpenWRT supplicant. I have a radius server and an AP that does not/can not act as an authenticator. However I do have a linux device behind it that I am hoping could act as the authenticator.

With that linux box behind the AP acting as an authenticator I would have the complete system so that I could test out OpenWRT Xsupplicant package. Hope that makes things a little more clear.

You should set up HostAP on your Linux box, and make the wrt connect it as a "managed" client. Then you can try the 802.1x auth if you have a radius server installed on your linux box or anywhere else.

Is there a working init script out for xsupplicant on wrt54g?  I need xsupplicant to connect to my university (eap_md5) that gives me internet access.

Edit: I've created the /etc/xsupplicant.conf file and tried to start xsupplicant manualy by:

xsupplicant -c /etc/xsupplicant.conf -i vlan1 -d A

And all I get is "Starting xsupplicant" or something, no verbose messages, nothing in /var/log/xsupplicant.conf.

Looks like I need some help!

(Last edited by seppelrockt on 10 Jun 2005, 22:24)

The discussion might have continued from here.