OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Busybox 1.2.1 for White Russian - now available to those who want it

The content of this topic has been archived on 9 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I've had a few people ask me about this, and I've been interested in it for some time myself. Finally, its done..

It was a simple task to port buildroot-ng's busybox 1.2.1 and patches to a White Russian compatible package. The result is in the X-Wrt package repository and svn source repository. It seems to perform quite well, though the applet configuration needs a little adjustment still since it doesn't match up perfectly with White Russian's busybox 1.0.0 applet config (I've included too many things). I'll periodically make new releases that have a more ideal applet configuration.

Busybox 1.2.1 adds numerous features and bug fixes over Busybox 1.0.0 used in White Russian RC5 and RC6. It does not add any bloat afaik, as they keep a close eye on such things.

I do not recommend anyone go ipkg upgrade or install this, particularly on squashfs images... though I suppose you could. It's really meant for use with the image builder. It will be included by default on all pre-built images of OpenWrt distributed by the X-Wrt project.

The obvious question is why keep updating White Russian?? In fact, the answer is that I am not going to continue to do this indefinitely. Buildroot-ng is indeed the future.

X-Wrt stuff is here: . You'll find the package repository in the ftp area and the source repository in the svn area.

Thank you db90h! The old busybox was missing a "less" tool and everyone knows that less is much better than more.

No problem.

I posted 1.2.1_5 after I posted that. I think the config is pretty much right, though obviously everyone has different preferences. I did include the new 'fakeidentd' applet because I personally use it and the size increase is marginal; that is perhaps the only thing that maybe shouldn't be there. I've been using 1.2.1 with WR pre-RC6 for several days now and have seen no problems, only benefits.

I posted some pre-built OpenWrt pre-RC6 images in the X-Wrt ftp area, though they are very, very rough. They include Busybox 1.2.1, qos-scripts (and all dependencies), libncurses, webif^2, and a few other things. Eventually I'll have these pre-built images polished up and those who prefer to not use the image builder can use these.

Hi db90h,

Seems like your 1.2 busybox is missing chown? I was trying to run Enzo's asterisk startup script and it failed running chown. sad

It seems that ps has been compiled without the ENABLE_FEATURE_PS_WIDE option? It's fixed to 79 column output. Could this be fixed when you release v1.2.2.1 smile

What is the fakeidentd applet?  How is it used?

Can someone with this package on Whiterussian please run the "Less" command and escape with a CTRL_C or CTRL_Z.

gildenman wrote:

It seems that ps has been compiled without the ENABLE_FEATURE_PS_WIDE option? It's fixed to 79 column output. Could this be fixed when you release v1.2.2.1 smile

Sure wink. Sorry about that, I didn't think it was important. I am going to update to as soon as Kamikaze does.

sddfdds wrote:

What is the fakeidentd applet?  How is it used?

I've since removed it from this Busybox package, but it basically works like the 'fakeidentd' package OpenWrt. It's simply an identd, like used for irc. identd is a service which basically just tells a remote system who you are (or claim to be).

mcdonald wrote:

Hi db90h,

Seems like your 1.2 busybox is missing chown? I was trying to run Enzo's asterisk startup script and it failed running chown. sad

I never replied to this, sorry.

I've now added all the user functions to this package, which includes su, adduser, addgroup, chown, and more. The size addition to busybox was minimal, particularly after compression. So, for those who are interested in using multi-user stuff with White Russian, this Busybox package is for you.

With regards to multi-user stuff, it appears so far that it all works well. One thing is that you shouldn't absolutely depend on a non-root user not being able to get root access, since its possible Busybox has buffer overflows in it that could give a user the ability to escalate their privilidges. There are no exploits I know of,  but for the paranoid, I mention this concern that nbd originally mentioned to me.

Could this be added to the 0.9 whiterussian?

Grimson wrote:

Could this be added to the 0.9 whiterussian?

I guess it'll never be added to WR. The WR branch is almost dead and gets security and bug fixes only.

Try to use Kamikaze. Kamikaze has Busybox 1.3.1 already...

forum2006 wrote:

Try to use Kamikaze. Kamikaze has Busybox 1.3.1 already...

AFAIK Kamikaze doesn't use the NVRAM anymore, but I prefer to have the settings in NVRAM. I'm also not so sure about how well it will run on my new WL500gP and if it supports WL on it. So I'll stay with whiterussian until Kamikaze is more mature.

(Last edited by Grimson on 2 Jan 2007, 18:06)

The discussion might have continued from here.