The power LED is still flashing. I waited for at least 15 minutes, then plugged the power plug and replugged it in, the LED is still flashing, but the WaRT still booted into OpenWaRT, and is working fine otherthan the original power LED flashing. I can still get into Telnet on the WaRT. I'll install SSH and I'll be on my way, unless the Power LED means something.
For the moment I'll ignore it.
I have attempted to modify the state of the LED's using the following command:
echo "0x01" > /proc/sys/diag
However it did nothing. Command wasn't error'd out, just silently terminated, after doing a cat on the file in question it returned "1" as expected. Again, the LED did NOT show any difference.
My suspicions, (And I know almost nothing about this.) is that OpenWaRT is making the power LED stop flashing once booted, to simulate the stock firmware and indicate to user that the WaRT is booted. However the new hardware version has changed something concerning the LED's and causes the command previuosuly mentioned not to work anymore. However I have NO clue how to fix it, just wanted to enlighten anyone that might know what's going on, 'cause I don't.