OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Firewall settings

The content of this topic has been archived on 30 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I need help for firewall.user settings.
Would you post me a standard firewall script?
i need all device in LAN can access WAN whitout limitations, forward some ports to a single LAN ip, and NAT all outgoing traffic...
Please, post me a standard firewall.user file.

did you even look at the file?

yes, I have already tried to use the settings in that file, but it doesn't works. I need simple routing between LAN and WAN whitout limitatios for LAN devices, and whit NAT on WAN.
Please, post me a simple script for firewall.user.

(Last edited by draxx86 on 23 Nov 2006, 09:07)

well, it works for me with the default one. just leave the file as is, if you don't know what you're doing

I have fixed my problem.
default firewall in effects works, the problem was the MAC address cloning that
not work in kamikaze (I can connect to WAN with a specific MAC
I have added in /etc/config/network this line:
option hwaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
and I have modified the /lib/network/ script adding this:
ifconfig "$ifname" hw ether "$hwaddr".
now all is ok!
thank you very much.

I have added in /etc/config/network this line:
option hwaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
and I have modified the /lib/network/ script adding this:
ifconfig "$ifname" hw ether "$hwaddr".

Could you create a patch file for your modifications to and create a ticket at so the developers can include it in the trunk?
I was already searching for a way to set the MAC address, and then did it "by hand" later in /etc/init.d/....

Please, where correctly add
ifconfig "$ifname" hw ether "$hwaddr"
to /lib/network/

I can work it, replace all words macaddr to hwaddr.

(Last edited by oversx on 15 Feb 2007, 13:56)

The discussion might have continued from here.