mbm wrote:

The plans to make whiterussian into 1.0 ended a long time ago with the realization that the whiterussian branch was already too far behind development. So, pending any major issues, we may tag this as 0.9 and continue with the occasional security patch, but the whiterussian branch is effectively over.

All further development will focus on the Kamikaze branch, now that buildroot-ng has been reintegrated. We will begin snapshot builds of kamikaze shortly in an effort to establish a regular release cycle and automated testing.

I'm not wishing to put any pressure on anyone, but I have no way to build this myself (only Macs here), so I'm understandably curious when these might begin.  I've noticed that bugs from RC6 are being closed at a fantastic pace lately, and am taking this as a very good sign for fixes in Kamikaze.