OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Madwifi support in /etc/config/wireless

The content of this topic has been archived on 20 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Has anyone tested madwifi since build 5630?
It seems the script should build /etc/config/wireless for you, but I can't seem to get it to work.  Tried deleting the file, but when it's recreated there is nothing in it.

My main goal is to get my WGT634U into bridged client mode.  I've tried countless times with no luck.

Thanks mbm for madwifi support!

If you want to play with the script, copy it to /lib/wifi/ and run wifi to create a /etc/config/wireless; be warned that the script does not support any encryption beyond WEP and can easily crash madwifi.

(The script is not yet part of the firmware image)

AP mode is working great since r5903, thanks devs!

Now I'm interested in getting WPA-PSK(2) Client mode working.

I noticed in the wpa_supplicant .config files that it's not being compiled with the madwifi driver.
Do I simply uncomment the CONFIG_DRIVER_MADWIFI line or are there other flags/options that need to be set?

There's also a new stable release in town. 0.5.7 was just released on 12/31/2006.  Might be worth an upgrade.

Snippet from "/trunk/package/wpa_supplicant/files/config.mipsel"

# Driver interface for generic Linux wireless extensions 

# Driver interface for madwifi driver 
# Change include directories to match with the local setup 
#CFLAGS += -I../madwifi/wpa

EDIT:  Regarding the config options, just read this portion of the wpa_supplicant readme:

    Linux drivers that support WPA/WPA2 configuration with the generic
    Linux wireless extensions (WE-18 or newer). Even though there are
    number of driver specific interface included in wpa_supplicant, please
    note that Linux drivers are moving to use generic wireless extensions
    and driver_wext (-Dwext on wpa_supplicant command line) should be the
    default option to start with before falling back to driver specific

(Last edited by KillaB on 2 Jan 2007, 02:21)

the wext driver works for me for wpa-psk with madwifi

Thanks Kevin, just figured that out.  I'll give it another shot when I get home.

I have client mode WPA-PSK working on the Fonera device. Beyond that, I do not know how to set bridging or NAT for the lan device nor the firewall rules to make everything happen.

After a bunch of mediocre testing I finally made my station mode wgt634u authenticate with my AP wgt634u running WPA-PSK.
Strange thing is, it would only authenticate after adding the bridging option.

Eg. #wpa_supplicant -iath0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -d -Dwext -bbr-lan

And after I was authenicated, I couldn't ping the other router, so it doesn't look like bridging is fully working just yet.

The discussion might have continued from here.