OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Emulator for OpenWRT Development

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Dear OpenWRT Developers,

Thank you for developing OpenWRT an open source Linux distribution for
wireless routers.

I'm a graduate student from national university of singapore. I'm trying
to investigate research issues especially on mining specifications and
discovering bugs from open source software. I'm very much interested
currently on firmware.

I wonder if OpenWRT firmware can be emulated on linux system.  Will the code run on linux without the need to upload it to a router ? Is there any emulators ? How do you debug code when developing OpenWRT ?

Sorry if the questions are basic. I'm new in firmware, please kindly be patient with me :-) 

Please kindly advise. Thank you for your help and attention.

Yours Sincerely,


compile openwrt kamikaze for x86, install qemu, start it with

qemu -hda openwrt-x86-2.6-jffs2-64k.image -nographic

for more(networkingsupport, etc) consult the qemu manpage.

greets, alex

Hi alx,

Thank you for your help. I'll give it a try.

Yours Sincerely,


is there any way to create .img file from existing .trx ?
If yes, can anyone tell us, what to do ?

Or use the qemu target in kamikaze or the uml (user-mode-linux) target. (user-mode-linux is alot faster than qemu - suppose for testing its not important anyway)

I am intending to get openwrt working under xen (As soon as devfs is replaced by udev or something else)

openwrt x86 works perfectly under vmware workstation and (free)player. Don't tryed still  under vmware server.

The discussion might have continued from here.