OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Chillispot across WDS relay ?

The content of this topic has been archived on 4 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi all,
have a look at the following scenario with two linksys devices, one as access point, one as wds relay:

Internet     +----+      +----+      +------+
    +--------+ AP +-))((-+WDS +-))((-+Client|
             +----+      +----+      +------+

Internet access is granted per chillispot.

A client close enough to the AP will
- get an IP from the chillispot range (192.168.182.*)
- be presented with the chillispot login.

A client far away from the AP will not even obtain an IP address from chillispot.

Since the AP has an additional IP address on the WLAN interface, I manually assign to the client and--voila--can ping the AP from the client (and vice versa).
Hence there is connectivity from the client to the AP.
As soon as one unplugs the relay, connectivity is lost (just to prove that we've just used the relay successfully).

Probably my understanding of wireless relaying is too rudimentary. Since I would compare a wireless relay with a switch or hub in cable-speak, I had expected the above scenario to work "out of the box".
Apparently, I'm wrong, so can anybody hint me to
a) why it doesn't work
and of course
b) how to make it work?  :?

Thanks in advance,

I am currently having this problem as well... and see lots of people stuggling with it around the 'net and no solutions... through I see some people come on threads and say they're using it so I am confident it can be done.

I am actually to the point that the actual WDS link works... the chillispot router can ping the client router and vice versa, but the client router can't route to the outside world.

I figure this narrows it down to iptable rules.  I have a couple of things to look for and I will get in there and tinker and if I find something I will post it here.  If anyone has some ideas please, I would really like to hear 'em.


Chillispot relies on a bridged network - I don't know if WDS meets this requirement? I don't use WDS but am facing the same issue because I'd prefer not to, or can't, run bridged everywhere. I think TAP might do the trick but haven't tried it yet. The other option might be to hack chilli to ignore the mac address but this would probably reduce security.

- DL

The discussion might have continued from here.