OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: i want to insert module in the iptables... but...

The content of this topic has been archived on 7 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I use the rc5

kernel - linux-2.4.30
iptables - iptables-1.3.3

I try the yissnn member's method

i can make xxx.o

for example,

I can make the ipt_string.o in the '/openwrt/build_mipsel/linux/net/ipv4/netfilter'

and I can insert the .o file in the target board ( ASUS WL-500g premium )

but I Can't use the commend

If I use this commend 

'iptables -m string --help'

it is not operate

Because  I haven't  the ''  file --> it's my thought

how can I make the .so file

I was using the 'patch-o-matic-ng-xxx.tar.bz2' files

but i can't  make the .so file

please help me.... T_T

Install the package iptables-mod-filter which also automatically installs kmod-ipt-filter. Then you have ipt_string.o (kernel module) and (user space). You do not have to compile anything in this case. And yes, the iptables string module is only in RC6 available. To make your life easy, update to RC6 (reflash).

Check the Packages.filelist to see which package contains the file you are looking for.

(Last edited by forum2006 on 5 Dec 2006, 15:44)

The discussion might have continued from here.