
My device doesn't have CD (Carrier Detect) signal on COM port and I'd like to override ioctl function and catch the CD (TIOCM_CAR) toggling of the serial port and convert it into toggling of one of free GPIOs.

I've found overriding ioctl() for toggling RTS signal to DMZ LED GPIO:

#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <termios.h>

ioctl(int d, unsigned long int request, ...)
    static int (*orig_ioctl)(int, unsigned long int, ...);
    static void *handle = NULL;
    static int last_seen_rts = -1;
    va_list opt;
    void *arg;

    va_start(opt, request);
    arg = va_arg(opt, void *);

       if(request == TIOCMSET) {
        int current_rts = ((*(int *)arg) & TIOCM_RTS);
        if(current_rts != last_seen_rts) {
            FILE *fddiag = fopen("/proc/sys/diag", "w");
            if(fddiag != NULL) {
                fprintf(fddiag, "%c", (current_rts) ? '1' : '0');
            } else {
                printf("You need to install kmod-diag\n");
            last_seen_rts = current_rts;
    if(handle == NULL) {
        handle = dlopen("/lib/libc.so.0", RTLD_LAZY); 

        orig_ioctl = dlsym(handle, "ioctl");
    return orig_ioctl(d, request, arg);

but I've not found in thi code where DMZ GPIO toggle... :-/
Also, my device havn't /proc/sys/diag.

Can somebody help me with this?

Normally there is only one COM port on the device.
Can I using overriding ioctl function create second COM port on free GPIOs?

Thanks for your answers!
