Does anyone know what is missing if anything to get 2 phones on my asterisk home server to be able to call each other.
I have a WRT54GS running OpenWRT/asterisk connected to a PAP2 with 2 extensions 5060/5061, this is all on the lan side of my gateway/router WRT54G
BusyBox v1.00 (2006.11.07-01:40+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
root@OpenWrt:~# asterisk -r
Asterisk 1.2.1, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005 Digium.
Written by Mark Spencer <>
Connected to Asterisk 1.2.1 currently running on OpenWrt (pid = 3353)
OpenWrt*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username Host Dyn Nat ACL Port Status
phone2 5060 Unmonitored
phone1 5060 Unmonitored
2 sip peers [2 online , 0 offline]
OpenWrt*CLI> *****Looks like astersisk ports are both 5060******
instead of 5060/5061
Here is some of the errors I am getting
Jan 1 05:10:33 NOTICE[3363]: chan_sip.c:10817 handle_request_register: Registration from 'phone1 <sip:5560@
>' failed for '' - Not a local SIP domain
Jan 1 05:11:03 NOTICE[3363]: chan_sip.c:10817 handle_request_register: Registration from 'phone2 <sip:5561@
>' failed for '' - Not a local SIP domain
(Not a local SIP domain) so asterisks sees the extensions but they are not under the sip domain??
My extensions.conf file is blank as I don't know how to set up extensions for PAP2 with 2 phones
in my sip.conf file
OpenWrt*CLI> sip show settings
Global Settings:
SIP Port: 5060
Videosupport: No
AutoCreatePeer: No
Allow unknown access: Yes
Promsic. redir: No
SIP domain support: Yes
Call to non-local dom.: Yes
URI user is phone no: No
Our auth realm asterisk
Realm. auth: No
User Agent: Asterisk PBX
MWI checking interval: 10 secs
Reg. context: (not set)
Caller ID: asterisk
From: Domain:
Record SIP history: Off
Call Events: Off
IP ToS: 0x0
OSP Support: No
SIP realtime: Disabled
Global Signalling Settings:
Codecs: none
Relax DTMF: No
Compact SIP headers: No
RTP Timeout: 0 (Disabled)
RTP Hold Timeout: 0 (Disabled)
MWI NOTIFY mime type: application/simple-message-summary
DNS SRV lookup: Yes
Pedantic SIP support: No
Reg. max duration: 3600 secs
Reg. default duration: 120 secs
Outbound reg. timeout: 20 secs
Outbound reg. attempts: 0
Notify ringing state: Yes
Default Settings:
Context: default
Nat: RFC3581
DTMF: rfc2833
Qualify: 0
Use ClientCode: No
Progress inband: Never
Language: (Defaults to English)
Musicclass: default
Voice Mail Extension: asterisk