OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Controlling LEDS on a WGT634U

The content of this topic has been archived on 23 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Searched around a bit without success on how to control LEDS on a WGT634U.

I see that a file called diag.c offers some control to LEDS but looking through
it, it appears not to support the WGT634U. And even at that it only offers to control

The WGT634U has 7, has anyone out there been able to control these either
through kernel or user space?

Appreciate any info.


Support for the wgt634u was recently added to diag; only two of the leds are under software control - power and wifi. The leds for the ethernet ports are directly wired to the switch hardware and cannot be controlled.

Thanks for your information.

I sync'd up to the latest openwrt and built/ flashed.

Loaded the diag.ko and got:

<4>diag: Router model not detected.

Looking through the platform_detect() routine it appears that
perhaps the wgt634u is not detected properly?

Also, it looks like only the power LED is controllable, you mentioned the
WLAN LED, but I dont see that in the diag.c code.

diag.ko will not load on WGT634U svn 5968

Linux version  (gcc version 3.4.6 (OpenWrt-2.0)) #1 Tue Jan 2 09:39:34 EST 2007
CPU revision is: 00029007
early_nvram_init: WGT634U NVRAM found.

diag: Router model not detected. 
insmod: cannot insert '/lib/modules/': Invalid parameters (19): Invalid argument                     
cat: /proc/diag/model: No such file or directory

(the /proc/diag   directory is not created)

X-WRT webif can not ID the WGT634U because of this also

The discussion might have continued from here.