Failsafe mode with WhiteRussian RC6+
The new diag driver in RC6+ make it very easy to enter failsafe mode. You do not need the crappy recvudp program anymore.
1. boot into failsafe mode (confirmed to be working on a Asus WL-500g Deluxe router, should work the same way on any other Linksys (Broadcom) router)
- boot it, wait for the power LED to switch off
- then press any button a few times
- power LED goes fast-blinking (about 1 time per second)
2. set your PC you connected the router via LAN to (gateway and DNS is not required)
3. you should be able telnet into the router at now (telnet no username and no password)
NOTE: The root in failsafe mode is the SquashFS partition mounted in readonly mode. To switch to the normal writable root run 'mount_root' and make any changes.
What to do in failsafe mode?
1. forgot/lost your password and you like to set a new one
2. forgot the routers IP address
nvram get lan_ipaddress
3. you accidentally run 'ipkg upgrade' or filled up the flash by installing to big packages (clean the JFFS2 partition and start over)
mtd erase OpenWrt; reboot
If you have more ideas reply here.
(Last edited by forum2006 on 21 Dec 2006, 13:34)