OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Gphoto2 2.3.1

The content of this topic has been archived on 24 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I am trying to build gphoto2.3.1 for RC5.  I've built 2.1.99 before, so in principle I guess I should know what i am doing.... But I am stumped.

The libgphoto2 build is failing because it can't find iconv.h.

I can't find iconv.h anywhere in the SDK. Debian tells me that iconv.h is part of libc6-dev.

What am I missing from the SDK?

I really don't want to scrap RC5; I've done a lot of mods and it's been very stable.  I really need the latest gphoto2, though (got a new camera for Xmas; now i need to download it.)



use libiconv (its only in glibc)

Thanks; that's for kamikae/buildroot-ng....  I ca't get kamikaze to run correctly on my wrtsl54gs....  (See the kamikaze list for my woes...)

Any up-to-date makefiles for WR RC6?


The discussion might have continued from here.