OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Config_busybox_config_feature_ls_color_is_default=y == Evil!!

The content of this topic has been archived on 24 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I got a recent SVN-trunk pull as per the front page of the openWRT site.  It has been easy for the most part to get things working. 

However this one misfeature in the busybox default configuration for "ls" nearly drove me to the point of idiocy before I figured out how to shut it off.

At the toplevel directory of the SVN checkout is a file named ".config"

In it are all the magic values to get the default instance going, and getting rid of this monster was the funnest thing I have done so far.

The forum software changed the case of the subject, which should be:


The discussion might have continued from here.