Hi everybody,

as my WL-HDD has a PDC20265, I tried to install the appropriate driver to use my CF card again (somewhat embarrassing, as I had all of this working already some hundred revisions earlier, but I can't remember how hmm ).

Anyway, what happens is this:

PDC20265: IDE controller at PCI slot 0000:01:01.0
PCI: Enabling device 0000:01:01.0 (0004 -> 0007)
PCI: Fixing up device 0000:01:01.0
PDC20265: chipset revision 2
PDC20265: ROM enabled at 0x40020000
PDC20265: 100% native mode on irq 6
PDC20265: (U)DMA Burst Bit DISABLED Primary PCI Mode Secondary PCI Mode.
    ide2: BM-DMA at 0x0140-0x0147, BIOS settings: hde:pio, hdf:pio
    ide3: BM-DMA at 0x0148-0x014f, BIOS settings: hdg:pio, hdh:pio
Probing IDE interface ide2...
ide2: Wait for ready failed before probe !
Probing IDE interface ide3...

After "Probing IDE interface ide2...", there's a LONG pause during which the entire device hangs. But why is the driver probing for ide2/3 instead of 0/1? In the boot log from somebody else, I saw that ide0/1 is definitely correct and works. Perhaps disabling DMA could work?
