OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Asterisk on openWRT, voicemail ...

The content of this topic has been archived on 26 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hello all,

I have a nice asterisk setup on a WRT54GS which runs quite well but there seems to be a bug
in the sending of voicemail by email:

It uses "mini_sendmail" which has the following sybtax:
mini_sendmail [-f<name>] [-t] [-s<server>] [-p<port>] [-T<timeout>] [-v] [address ...]

The command configure in voicemail.conf is:
mailcmd=/usr/sbin/mini_sendmail  -fmsg0000.txt -t -s[SMTP Server]

I found that using the -t param make mini_sendmail to expect to find
the From: and To: in the header of the file sent .... BUT
Asterisk does not write the From: (email) and To: (email) in the text message file:
so it doesn't work ...

Also I haven't any way to tell sendmail the IP of my (ISP's) SMTP server ... ???
other than passing it on the sendmail cmd line with the -s param ???

I am probably doing something wrong ...  as i am a beginner in Linux / Asterisk ... ;-)

Thank you for any help !



This is what I have in mailcmd and it is working fine:

mailcmd=/usr/sbin/mini_sendmail -t -f<fromuser>@<location> -s<SMPT server name or IP address>

Probably your error is in the from entry that doesn't correspond to a file name but to a mail user.

Juan C.

Voicemail (or voice mail, voice-mail, vmail or VMS, sometimes called messagebank) is a centralized system of managing telephone messages for a large group

ip pbx

(Last edited by rs_shadow0000 on 4 Aug 2009, 11:30)

The discussion might have continued from here.