OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: WRT54G v3.0 New hardware release.

The content of this topic has been archived on 31 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi folks, have you noticed that Linksys has just released a new hardware version?
Has anyone purchased a new v3.0?
Does anyone know about the changes in this harware?
I have been fighting for weeks to get the v2.2 working and now Linksys brings me a new hardware...  :?
Thanks in advance

I've compared the changes in the newly released V3 code to the V2.2 code, and it seems that the V3 hardware is basically the same.

There are apparently, two new LED's (One white, and one Orange colored) that can be controlled, SES_LED1, and SES_LED2. It also appears that there might be an additional button on the V3 hardware, related to the SES_LED's. Pushing the button appears to send some info via UDP, to the last HTTP client, so I'm guessing this might be part of their new "autoconfiguration/diagnostics" stuff.

Also, they've fixed the ping.asp/traceroute.asp bugs this time.

Other than that, it appears as if the hardware is pretty much the same as the V2.2's. There's no mention of any architecture specific changes to the device.

Here's a link to the diff:

I have the V3 unit sitting here infront of me right now... 

There are the 2 leds and button on the left hand side.  They are hidden behind the cisco logo.  One of the leds is bright white

The unit looks to have the same fccid as the v2.2 hw.

s/n cdf80e107141

fcc id q87-wt54gv22

have experimental build of openwrt on it now

Has anyone posted pictures from under the hood?

Did you set boot_wait on your version 3? Or did you just push openwrt onto it through the web and hope?
Is there a version of linksys firmware for version 3 that doesn't have the ping.asp bug patched?  Or if I want to use version 3 am I basically stuck soldering on a serial port?

The discussion might have continued from here.