OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Fonera bridge

The content of this topic has been archived on 25 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi, i have this situation: --- AP ********** FONERA ----
Fonera has ip and the link between AP and FONERA is a wifi..

i created every interface like ath0 in sta mode for have a simple client ...
Then i did this :
brctl addbr vekebridge
brctl addif vekebridge eth0
brctl addif vekebridge ath0
ifconfig vekebridge up
ifconfig vekebridge

i did also ifconfig eth0 and ifconfig ath0 for resetting the previosly got ip..

The problem is that if i try to ping everything over the wifi from the fonera i don't get back the answer... so i decided to build tcpdump on the fonera and connect a notebook to the same ap for having two tcpdump running...

I found that when i launch ping from the fonera
the fonera the command "tcpdump -i ath0 arp" tells me that the fonera is sending out a request
but if i launch from my notebook "tcpdump -i eth1 arp" ( where eth1 is the interface connected on the same wifi of the fonera)  i see that the fonera doesn't send any arp request over the wifi..
In conclusion fonera gets everything from the wifi but it is not putting anything on the wifi : GET but not SEND...
probably for a bridge problem... any suggestion for how to patch this?

iwpriv ath0 wds 1

Has anyone confirmed this to work??

The discussion might have continued from here.