OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: r6552: Linux is unable to open initial console using QEMU, x86-2.6

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I used r6300 before with qemu which was working fine. I invoke qemu like this:

qemu -nographic -kernel image/openwrt-x86-2.6-vmlinuz -hda image/openwrt-x86-2.6-ext2.fs \
-append "console=ttyS0,9600n8 root=/dev/hda reboot=bios" -net nic -net nic -net tap

and it always worked fine until I updated to r6552 (updated to 654x before with same problems).

I also tried: -append "console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n8 noinitrd root=/dev/hda reboot=bios"

Boot process freezes with this message:

# Freeing unused kernel memory: 132k freed
# Warning: unable to open an initial console.

Full bootlog is here:

I also noticed this error by using the latest precompiled daily build instead of my own one so this should be reproducable with standard kernel configuration.
I used google to lookup the error but found nothing suitable, also an upgrade of qemu to 0.9.0 brought no other behaviour.

Maybe the recent changes in r6530 have something to do with this?

I would appreciate a hint (some configuration-option or sth like this) where to look to make it work again.

Hostsystem is:
Debian sid / Linux on amd64
qemu 0.9.0

(Last edited by FFHCyrus on 11 Mar 2007, 18:18)


I'm using rev 6552 and the message stll appears, but can login again ...

OK I solved the problem for now by manually mounting the ext2 image via loopback into my running Debian and mknod /dev/console inside the image that was missing.

The discussion might have continued from here.