OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: wgt634u flash a new firmware image

The content of this topic has been archived on 7 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi, I successfully compiled Kamikaze and flashed the openwrt-wgt634u-2.6-squashfs.bin image  to the webinterface. The image is working very well. However I compile a newer one. And tried to flash the image with:

root@OpenWrt:~# mtd -r -e linux write openwrt-wgt634u-2.6-squashfs.bin linux
Bad trx header
If this is a firmware in bin format, like some of the
original firmware files are, you need to convert it to trx.
Image check failed.

So there are two trx file's:

Can I use one of the trx file's instead of the "openwrt-wgt634u-2.6-squashfs.bin" file?

The file size of  all are different:
openwrt-bcrm-2.6-squashfs.trx = 2652 Kb
openwrt-brcm47xx-2.6-squashfs.trx = 2604 Kb
openwrt-wgt634u-2.6-squashfs.bin = 2732 Kb

Which file can I use? Or is there a different way how to flash a new Image?

(Last edited by Oconnor on 13 Mar 2007, 00:10)

I just tried to flash the trx file and that worked.

The discussion might have continued from here.