Hi guys/gals,
I have a hopefully, short question about kernels and kernel modules as it pertains to ipkg on openwrt. I've been hacking away at my two WGT634Us for a few months now, about since Christmas actually. I've enjoyed it a great deal and well, thanks. This project is a lot of fun for me, mostly because it challenges me so much. Anyway, to the question...
I compiled the latest revision, or as of a few days ago. I flashed one of my non-working WGTs and everything was working fine, until I started installing some ipkgs. Every now and then, I get something like this:
cifs: version magic ' mod_unload MIPS32_R1 32BIT ' should be ' mod_unload MIPS32_R1 32BIT '
That only shows on the console connection, not my ssh window. End result, the package in this case, kmod-fs-cifs didn't install b/c of some kernel mismatch. Honestly, I don't know how this could have happened. I nuked my build tree, actually did a "rm -rf trunk/" and "rm -rf packages/", which erases all of the openwrt svn data on my pc. I did this b/c I wanted to be sure my svn pull was fresh. Overkill, I know.
So, i ran one build, building for atheros on the 2.6 kernel and half of my ipkgs it seems refer to while the rest point to Frustrating to say the least. ipkg creates two directories in the /lib/modules folder and well, you guessed it, the .2 modules won't load, so i'm definitely running on the .1 version. How I ended up with two versions from one make/build process, I don't know, especially considering my earlier steps.
The only thing I can think of is that I compiled wpa_supplicant on it's own several times trying to get the atheros driver to compile, which i finally did (and my router is in WPA using sta mode) Anyway, I nuked my build tree again, tweaked my madwifi config.mipsel file again to get my atheros driver and i'm recompiling the whole stinking thing. In about seven hours, i'll be able to give it another go, but in the meantime, i'm curious to see if anyone has any ideas about what I did.
Thanks in advance,