OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: OpenWRT stat monitor for thttpd-php

The content of this topic has been archived on 2 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I have made an status monitor for my wrt54gs (with openwrt, of course) in php. Now i'm using it with thttpd-php and works well.

Here an screenshot:

If anybody wants download it, can do it from here:

Any sujestions or something by the way is welcome, my mail:


good job. fwiw, you could easily do this in ash scripting, saving the 1mb+ overhead of php.

also, off-topic but just fyi, php allows you to inline straight (x)html to avoid all those print calls. this is legit (and useful) php:

<h1>below are many paragraphs</h1>
<? for($x=0; $x<20; $x++) { ?>
     <p>here is one of many paragraphs</p>
<? } ?>

also, just to stay off-topic, you can even embed shell scripts into (x)html with haserl.


It's cool.

Mola mucho.

I love it too..

looks awesome, where does it get the ip and hostname from on the clients? (all of mine show up as unknown)

Any ideas why I only see the source of the script, when calling it?
I just installed thttpd-php, wget'ted the script and renamed it to index.php. Then I started thttpd via ``thttpd -u root'' in the directory where the script resides in.

i love it 3q.

The discussion might have continued from here.