OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Support for Marvell 88F5xx81 based routers

The content of this topic has been archived between 18 Jan 2014 and 6 May 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.

Hmm, getting a segmentation fault when downloading - weird.
Will have a look at that the next days. Only tested a ramdisk build for LAN, WLAN/Wifi and PPoE.
Will also create new builds with 2.6.30 kernel.

Haven't played around with the led patch yet.
Also I'm not a Linux kernel developer, just handling OpenWrt.

domadm are you talking about the hole 29 pages ore a particular thread?

@iancu91: start with page #10 and I recommend to read all following 19 pages.

(Last edited by maddes.b on 2 Feb 2010, 18:30)

maddes.b wrote:

Hmm, getting a segmentation fault when downloading - weird.
Will have a look at that the next days. Only tested a ramdisk build for LAN, WLAN/Wifi and PPoE.
Will also create new builds with 2.6.30 kernel.

Haven't played around with the led patch yet.
Also I'm not a Linux kernel developer, just handling OpenWrt.

I have installed andLinux with Ubuntu on my Windows machine and currently I am able to compile the img myself in the background smile smile smile

It's time to start play with source...

Welcome to the club! big_smile

How I handle compilation is documented in the text files at
The text files are always updated, e.g. when something is tested (like kernel 2.6.32) or something got fixed.

Best wishes

(Last edited by maddes.b on 3 Apr 2010, 17:34)

@Watha: Could you possible edit the first post, with an advice to newcomers, to read the WHOLE tread instead of generate a new page of silly questions?
I really hate when this happens, I personally read the whole tread many times.
An advice is OK for now, I further contribute whit an alphabetical index covering some topics:
Binary download. Recovery, JTAG, serial, emergency download mode. Compiling from source. Memory upgrade. Serial cable assembly. WNR854T WiFi status. Searching for a stable release?

>advice to newcomers, to read the WHOLE tread

With 700 posts, that would be a good way to turn newcomers away.  A pointer to a summary of the current state of affairs (like maddes.b's doucmention) on important topics--now that is useful and inviting.

I built new images of r19487 and kernel 2.6.30, while testing I had no issues installing openvpn.

Testing with the same revision but kernel 2.6.32 I also got several segmentation faults.

(Last edited by maddes.b on 2 Feb 2010, 23:56)

I just managed to debrick my wrt350n v2.1 linksys router using the Upgrade utility and the step by step instructions provided by DaBigMac in post #526 … 964#p94964 , i just want to thank you all for the wonderful work you are doing with this forum, and thanks for the BIG HELP!

(Last edited by iancu91 on 3 Feb 2010, 00:19)

just to let you know, kaloz will have a look at kernel 2.6.32 when his time permits.
so maybe we get a stable 2.6.32 during the next weeks.


maddes.b wrote:

just to let you know, kaloz will have a look at kernel 2.6.32 when his time permits.
so maybe we get a stable 2.6.32 during the next weeks.


Good to be sure that upgrade will not brick the hardware, but at this moment does it make any difference to use 2.6.32 instead of 2.6.30?

There won't be any difference in usage between 2.6.32 and 2.6.30.
But there will be a difference in support as 2.6.32 was chosen as long-time stable version of the linux kernel.

My WRT350N dies few times:  after few hours of operation with openwrt r 19497... reverting back to an earlier version.

How it behaves with r19497: the wifi was not available, the eth ports are flashing but the device was not accessible.
My Wifi interface was setup to N-mode.

(Last edited by domadm on 4 Feb 2010, 21:31)

Hello everyone involved!

I still have no WLAN working on WRT350Nv2, even after ticket 5815 have been closed.

I tried flashing Maddes builds build_19265_mini+tun build_19350_release-ipsec build_19497 and several latest trunk snapshot builds with no success.
The only way I can get WLAN working is to use Maddes build_17264, but it has connectivity problems when power saving is enabled on my device,
similar to described here (also mentioned by opterron in #621 post in  this thread).

Initially I flashed webugrade image from Maddes build 17456 at 2009-09-03 (or near that day) and WLAN worked fine with several different client devices till I decided to upgrade at the end of jan 2010. Unfortunally I didnt saved local copy of this build.

The current device I use to connect to WRT350nv2 through wifi is Nokia N900. Whether wifi will work or not is not depends on encryption method used - psk2, or no encryption will work on Maddes 17264 build and won't work on any other currently available build.

Thank a lot for any help


sergres wrote:

I tried flashing Maddes builds build_19265_mini+tun build_19350_release-ipsec build_19497 and several latest trunk snapshot builds with no success.

I assume that means no success in resolving your WLAN/Wifi problems with these builds, and does not mean no success with flashing itself.

sergres wrote:

Initially I flashed webugrade image from Maddes build 17456 at 2009-09-03 (or near that day) and WLAN worked fine with several different client devices till I decided to upgrade at the end of jan 2010. Unfortunally I didnt saved local copy of this build.

Just moved r17456 back to its old position on my ftp space.
Hope you have your lesson learned, to keep a local copy of beta and testing builds as these are by definition only temporary.
Additionally you can always compile any build you need yourself, see post #300.

Also note that N mode only allows either no encryption or WPA2-PSK.
Not WPA-PSK and not WEP (WEP is also not supported by the wpad-mini package, previously hostapd-mini package).

I'm running r19497 for roughly two days now.
Yesterday I used WLAN with my Laptop for several hours and had no drop down (VPN stayed on all the time).
Normally I only use cables at home. WLAN/Wifi is normally the special case for me connecting to my network.
Additionally I reboot my router every morning at 05:00 (because of the 24 hours disconnection of my DSL provider which can be annoying in the evening right before the end of an Ebay auction or during watching a NFL game via streaming).

Your problem could also be related to an extra package you are using.
Do you have any messages in the logs or on the serial console?

 KAMIKAZE (bleeding edge, r19497) ------------------
  * 10 oz Vodka       Shake well with ice and strain
  * 10 oz Triple sec  mixture into 10 shot glasses.
  * 10 oz lime juice  Salute!

root@router:~# uci show wireless
wireless.radio0.ht_capab=SHORT-GI-40 DSSS_CCK-40

root@router:~# cat /etc/crontabs/root
# /etc/crontabs/root
0 5     * * *     reboot
#0 5     * * *     /etc/init.d/network restart

root@router:~# opkg list_installed
base-files - 37-r19497
busybox - 1.15.3-1
ddns-scripts - 1.0.0-6
dnsmasq - 2.52-1
dropbear - 0.52-4
etherwake - 1.09-1
firewall - 1-10
haserl - 0.9.26-1
hotplug2 - 1.0-beta-1
iptables - 1.4.6-1
iptables-mod-conntrack - 1.4.6-1
iptables-mod-conntrack-extra - 1.4.6-1
iptables-mod-nat - 1.4.6-1
iw - 0.9.19-1
kernel -
kmod-ath -
kmod-ath9k -
kmod-crc-ccitt -
kmod-crypto-aes -
kmod-crypto-arc4 -
kmod-crypto-core -
kmod-ipt-conntrack -
kmod-ipt-conntrack-extra -
kmod-ipt-core -
kmod-ipt-nat -
kmod-ipt-nathelper -
kmod-mac80211 -
kmod-ppp -
kmod-pppoe -
kmod-tun -
libc -
libgcc - 4.3.3+cs-37
libiptc - 1.4.6-1
liblua - 5.1.4-5
liblzo - 2.03-1
libnl-tiny - 0.1-1
libopenssl - 0.9.8l-2
librt -
libuci - 0.7.5-1
libuci-lua - 0.7.5-1
libxtables - 1.4.6-1
lua - 5.1.4-5
mtd - 11
ntpclient - 2007_365-4
openvpn - 2.1.0-1
opkg - 513-1
ppp - 2.4.4-4
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.4-4
sslh - 1.6i-3
sudo - 1.7.2p2-1
uci - 0.7.5-1
ucitrigger - 0.7.5-1
udevtrigger - 106-1
webif - 0.3-4839
wireless-tools - 29-4
wpad-mini - 20100117-1
zlib - 1.2.3-5

(Last edited by maddes.b on 7 Apr 2010, 19:42)

maddes.b wrote:

Your problem could also be related to an extra package you are using.
Do you have any messages in the logs or on the serial console?

hmm, I am using kmod-tun, openvpn and relevant luci packages with luci-admin-full.
Will check if any logs did survive.

If I remember correctly (IIRC) you have serial access, so hook it up to your PC, connect via Putty and set the scrollback to 9999 lines or more.
If connection stops working just copy Putty's scrollback to clipboard and into a text editor.
Then you have enough time to check out the serial console log, even after you restarted your router.

As you see in my previous post, I'm also using kmod-tun for OpenVPN.
Maybe do a quick comparision between your and mine installed packages , don't forget to check the version number.

(Last edited by maddes.b on 5 Feb 2010, 14:36)


maddes.b wrote:

Just moved r17456 back to its old position on my ftp space.
Hope you have your lesson learned, to keep a local copy of beta and testing builds as these are by definition only temporary.

Thanks for  doing that, I have stored local copy of this build and Wi-Fi is working well now.

maddes.b wrote:

Additionally you can always compile any build you need yourself, see post #300.

Although i've managed to build from r17264, i'm not sure i did everything right, so i decided not to flash my own builds yet (i have no cable to test with ramdisk builds).

Create new images with r19544 during the SuperBowl game
SquashFS and ramdisk images uploaded.
Use "sysupgrade -n <image>" for a clean flash (-n = config not copied over)
As always use at your own risk.

(Last edited by maddes.b on 7 Apr 2010, 19:42)

I will try your new build as I have stability problems with my WRT350Nv2. It is quite interesting that it happened in last few days, and no matter which openwrt version, still drops WLAN connections (this time LAN is operational all the time). I have reverted back to 802.11g mode but it doesn't help sad

 KAMIKAZE (bleeding edge, r19265) ------------------

wireless configuration:

root@OpenWrt:~# uci show wireless
wireless.radio0.ht_capab=SHORT-GI-40 DSSS_CCK-40

and installed packages (just added luci-admin-mini, full and wrt theme)

root@OpenWrt:~# opkg list-installed
base-files - 36-r19265
busybox - 1.15.3-1
dnsmasq - 2.51-3
dropbear - 0.52-4
firewall - 1-10
hostapd-mini - 20100117-1
hotplug2 - 1.0-beta-1
iptables - 1.4.4-3
iptables-mod-conntrack - 1.4.4-3
iptables-mod-nat - 1.4.4-3
iw - 0.9.19-1
kernel -
kmod-ath -
kmod-ath9k -
kmod-crc-ccitt -
kmod-crypto-aes -
kmod-crypto-arc4 -
kmod-crypto-core -
kmod-ipt-conntrack -
kmod-ipt-core -
kmod-ipt-nat -
kmod-ipt-nathelper -
kmod-mac80211 -
kmod-ppp -
kmod-pppoe -
kmod-tun -
libc -
libgcc - 4.3.3+cs-36
libiptc - 1.4.4-3
liblua - 5.1.4-5
libnl-tiny - 0.1-1
libuci - 0.7.5-1
libuci-lua - 0.7.5-1
libxtables - 1.4.4-3
lua - 5.1.4-5
luci-admin-core - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-admin-full - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-admin-mini - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-cbi - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-core - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-http - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-i18n-english - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-ipkg - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-lmo - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-lucid - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-nixio - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-px5g - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-sgi-cgi - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-sys - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-theme-base - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-theme-openwrt - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-uci - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-uvl - 0.9+svn5662-1
luci-web - 0.9+svn5662-1
mtd - 11
opkg - 513-1
ppp - 2.4.4-4
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.4-4
uci - 0.7.5-1
ucitrigger - 0.7.5-1
udevtrigger - 106-1
wireless-tools - 29-4

can't find any logs to share.

Have you tried to remove the empty settings, like "...key1="?
I set mine by hand, not luci or webif.


(Last edited by maddes.b on 7 Feb 2010, 23:03)

maddes.b wrote:

Have you tried to remove the empty settings, like "...key1="?

As you can see... no ;-)

But editet /etc/config/network now to cut empty parameters, but I don't think it is significant.
When you release a new build I will load it keeping current config. Then if problems would stay, will reload clean.

Remember that "firstboot" will give you a clean install without reflashing.

Compared the packages and there's nothing striking my eyes.

Compared the wireless setup and here are the differences (without the empty settings).
Country and not enabled settings (0, none) should be ignorable.
Most striking is the totally different MAC address. Also I do not have experience if txpower works correctly on WRT350Nv2.

wireless.radio0.macaddr=00:00:80:60:1d:50 (vs. my 00:1a:73:aa:4b:a1)

[s]Is your complete router not working also via cable or only wireless connection down?[/s] Just overlooked it "this time LAN is still working"
Does the router work stable when wireless is disabled?
You can test this later with the new build.

(Last edited by maddes.b on 8 Feb 2010, 00:00)

As you might remember from my LED post: … 91#p100391 you can now enable the leds to your likings.

I stumbled upon the following page which was very helpful smile

With the help of that page the Powerled and WIFI led now act like they should, so if you applied the ledpatch (haven't checked if it is in trunk already) you can enjoy the leds as well. To enable the two leds just copy paste the following section in your '/etc/config/system' file

config led
        option sysfs    'wrt350nv2:green:power'
        option default  1

config led
        option dev      wlan0
        option sysfs    'wrt350nv2:green:wireless'
        option mode     'link tx rx'
        option trigger  netdev

if you want the USB led to function properly we have to do some extra work, my knowledge of hotplug in OpenWRT isn't good, but i think you should be able to use that in order to get the USB led on and off whenever you plugin something into the port.

Also read the uci doc page i mentioned above, you can do lots of stuff like having a LED perform a heartbeat or flash on a specific timer. If you want to know all the available leds for the wrt, just look in '/sys/class/leds/' for everything that starts with wrt350nv2

When properly configured i should say these values should be committed into trunk.

(Last edited by dirkNL on 8 Feb 2010, 04:17)

Maddes, is jumbo frames supported with your builds?