Well, my work concerning the download mode is finished by now.
As result, I can say, that the download mode is the safest way to reanimate the wrt350nv2 or get back to stock image.
I tried to add some features to the tool upslug2, among others I wanted to add some safety checks.
Therefor I analyzed the file structure of some image files. I found out, that the openwrt-*-recovery-images don't have a u-boot bin section in there.
That was the first time, I got shocked.
Upslug2 always erases the holy eRcOmM signature, even when I tried with the smaller squash images and reduced flashsize-variable in upslug2 source.
Really bad!
Upslug2 writes the data in two stages
1. erase flash and write new data
2. verify data and commit flash (make it readable)
This is done for all flash sections, which will be updated.
At that point, I thought that the complete recovery image would "update" the u-boot section at 0x7c0000,
and the empty openwrt-recovery images would kill u-boot.
First warning on 21.11.10. in post before.
Then I started to try out the latest stock image V2.0.20 (thank You maddes for the scripts).
In V2.0.20 is a newer U-Boot (Driver V1.07) than mine. I flashed the whole 8 MB stock and restarted.
stock Image; came up and worked.
But there was no new U-Boot Version on my router. (????)
Second reduced warning on 22.11.10.
At least I flashed the stock image with the upgrade tool under WinXP and there was no new u-boot, either.
Third cleared warning today.
Sercomm uses different packed-ids for communication in download mode for
1. HardwareInfo
2. UpgradeStart
3. UpgradeData
4. UpgradeVerify
5. Reboot
6. ReprogramStart
I sniffed the network traffic with wireshark on linux and windows, and both tools uses only the Upgrade mode and let u-boot alive.
Also the mac-address an machine-id (found in last 60 bytes in recovery image) leaved untouched.
Only the info about firmware version, also found there is cleared. Curious, but true.
At my point of view only the "reprogram mode" will reflash all areas incl. u-boot.
This mode is disabled in upslug2 and I think You should only use this with JTAG on Your desk.
I really will not try even not with the original firmware with newer u-boot.
Sorry for the warnings, but I was really in panic about that.
In the last days, I extended the upslug2 sources.
The new features are:
* network identity of wrt350nv2
* only "--image" option is allowed with wrt350nv2 (this prevents You of my first mistake at #951)
* security check of recovery image (linux hardware id, squashfs id and the holy eRcOmM)
If You want to try, use this patchfile 120-wrt350nv2-netid.patch.
Maybe we can give it into trunk.
thank you for the scripts, helped a lot.
I think, You used the recovery image, because the normal is not accepted by the tools.
Btw, UpgradeTool is working in virtual WinXP, isn't there one in Win7
Perhaps, compiling with minigw is possible...
more question? just ask!
(Last edited by mrk on 25 Nov 2010, 00:37)