OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Tp-link Tl-wr703n

The content of this topic has been archived between 18 Mar 2015 and 7 May 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.

(i installed everything on my usb (sda1)
and i put gerix-wifi-cracker (sniffing tool with gui) folder (renamed to gerix) in \mnt\sda1\packages\usr\lib\python2.7

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in <module>
    import sqlite3
  File "/mnt/sda1/packages/usr/lib/python2.7/sqlite3/", line 24, in <module>
    from dbapi2 import *
  File "/mnt/sda1/packages/usr/lib/python2.7/sqlite3/", line 27, in <module>
    from _sqlite3 import *
ImportError: File not found

i want to run gerix-wifi-cracker on openwrt python but how to solve those lines

(Last edited by fpopic on 15 Sep 2012, 09:04)

Dear All,
I tried to execute below commands:

cat <<EOT > /etc/config/network
config 'interface' 'loopback'
option 'ifname' 'lo'
option 'proto' 'static'
option 'ipaddr' ''
option 'netmask' ''

config 'interface' 'lan'
option 'ifname' 'eth0'
option 'type' 'bridge'
option 'proto' 'dhcp'

from … MYK30O.txt

but something went wrong and now I can't telner the router.

How can I recover?


Well you configured your router as DHCP client, it will now obtain its lan ip from another router in your network. Check your main router DHCP table to see which IP was leased to your 703n.

jow wrote:

Well you configured your router as DHCP client, it will now obtain its lan ip from another router in your network. Check your main router DHCP table to see which IP was leased to your 703n.

Many Thanks for clear explanation. And sorry for trivial question: how to check my router DHCP table and see which IP was leased to my 703n? After that, will I be able to telnet again my  703n?

Uhm, log into your ISP router or whatever and see its status displays?

jow wrote:

Uhm, log into your ISP router or whatever and see its status displays?

OK. I will do that. I forgot to say that I can establish now with my Tl-wr703n any connection via ethernet cable. Is there a way to reset and restore the original status?

engine wrote:
jow wrote:

Uhm, log into your ISP router or whatever and see its status displays?

OK. I will do that. I forgot to say that I can establish now with my Tl-wr703n any connection via ethernet cable. Is there a way to reset and restore the original status?

Sorry, I meant to say "I can't establish now with my Tl-wr703n any connection via ethernet cable"

Yes, once you logged in just run the command "firstboot".
If you do not manage to log in, follow the generic failsafe howto in the wiki.

jow wrote:

Yes, once you logged in just run the command "firstboot".
If you do not manage to log in, follow the generic failsafe howto in the wiki.

I tried the generic failsafe, but anyhow I can't "see" the router via ethernet cable. What can I do?

twinclouds wrote:

You are welcome.  I don't remember when I gave such suggestions, but I must did, however, if you said so smile

:-)  i pretended to be nice as this might rise chance getting advice  to 2nd problem

let me repeat ok ? anyone please ?

I have one more unit which has been converted to english mr3020 firmware .
I am looking for advice how to flash openwrt on it.
For conversion  followed this thread:
Now I want to flash openwrt over this modded TP-LINK firmware but I am not sure whether author's "restore back firmware" creates any problems.
Unfortunately author does not respond.
In summary :
He posted a program which takes manufacturer TP-Link firmware and modifies it for WR703n.
I am able to use his program one way only chinese->english.
When I use other way to make "revert" firmware it does not match his "revert" firmware.

What are my options to flash such converted wr703n ?
Should I be worried about bricking device ?

What do you mean by: "When I use other way to make "revert" firmware it does not match his "revert" firmware."?  Do you mean you tried to flash back the original WR703n firmware and that didn't work?  If it was the case, what was the response?

janisalnis wrote:

To check what IP WR703N gets from main router DHCP server can use Angry IP scanner

engine wrote:
jow wrote:

Yes, once you logged in just run the command "firstboot".
If you do not manage to log in, follow the generic failsafe howto in the wiki.

I tried the generic failsafe, but anyhow I can't "see" the router via ethernet cable. What can I do?

Try press reset button, when LED has blinked for the first time. It should start blink double as fast.
PC should have static ip for example, GW, Mask
Then telnet  If successful login type firstboot.

If the trick with cat EOT did not work, please try manually edit network file using vi editor.

I now prefer to leave ethernet cable settings at so that can always get into router from PC via cable.
and configure wifi client to connect to main router and get into internet.
But it depends on what you want to do with WR703N.

Fantastic, janisalnis!. I did exactly what you said and I resolved. The fact is that my knowledge is very poor and I don't want to abuse your patience. Actually I have to study all wiki, yo have a step-by-step guide, install wifi etc... etc.

Best Regards

robthebrew wrote:

Is it possible you need Python-dev?
See a comment at the bottom of here: … 00072.html

so it is not possible cause python-dev is needed cause i dont understand the bottom comment

twinclouds wrote:

What do you mean by: "When I use other way to make "revert" firmware it does not match his "revert" firmware."?  Do you mean you tried to flash back the original WR703n firmware and that didn't work?  If it was the case, what was the response?

no i did not flash back original WR703n firmware because i can no longer flash it  after I flashed moded firmware.
After flashing modded firmware user interface on WR703n looks like on original MR3020 firmware.
In his archive he put 3 files:
1. His TP program which modifies original TP-Link firmwares by changing few bytes identifying router.
2. Modded MR3020 firmware to flash english MR3020 firmware on WR703n
3. Modded WR703n firmware to revert to original chinese WR703n firmware.

So with his program  when I modify original MR3020 firmware I got exactly same file as his file from point 2 and flashed it.
However when I use his program to produce modded firmware from point 3. so I can revert to original chinese firmware and be able to flash openwrt that is when  I am getting different file.
I use msdos fc /b to compare modded firmwares - his vs. mine.

etan wrote:
twinclouds wrote:

What do you mean by: "When I use other way to make "revert" firmware it does not match his "revert" firmware."?  Do you mean you tried to flash back the original WR703n firmware and that didn't work?  If it was the case, what was the response?

no i did not flash back original WR703n firmware because i can no longer flash it  after I flashed moded firmware.
After flashing modded firmware user interface on WR703n looks like on original MR3020 firmware.
In his archive he put 3 files:
1. His TP program which modifies original TP-Link firmwares by changing few bytes identifying router.
2. Modded MR3020 firmware to flash english MR3020 firmware on WR703n
3. Modded WR703n firmware to revert to original chinese WR703n firmware.

So with his program  when I modify original MR3020 firmware I got exactly same file as his file from point 2 and flashed it.
However when I use his program to produce modded firmware from point 3. so I can revert to original chinese firmware and be able to flash openwrt that is when  I am getting different file.
I use msdos fc /b to compare modded firmwares - his vs. mine.

Well, it is always difficult to use others' compiled files.  I only use firmware from the manufacture, official openwrt or my own. 
CAn you simply flash the openwrt firmware from the MR3020 one?
Good luck.

(Last edited by twinclouds on 16 Sep 2012, 22:19)

Would you know when those bytes identifying router are checked ?
My guess they are checked during flashing from web from original firmware ?
How about  tftp ?

etan wrote:

Would you know when those bytes identifying router are checked ?
My guess they are checked during flashing from web from original firmware ?
How about  tftp ?

Do you mean the header bytes?  They are checked when you install from the web interface for sure.  I don't think they are checked with TFTP.
One thing you can do is to use a hex editor to see which header bytes are for the file that can be flashed and those cannot be flashed.  They are at 0x00000040 to 0x00000047.  You can actually use a program to modify the header bytes and the corresponding check sum values to make the file flashable.  Please take a look at:  The original software was in Chinese but one post shows the translation to English.  The only thing I noticed is the two question marks at the right bottom corner actually mean "exit", not "cancel".  You can also use this software to check the header bytes as well.

(Last edited by twinclouds on 16 Sep 2012, 23:31)

yes that his program i already used in step 1. to verify his modded firmwares (but i got different firmware in step 3.)
and yes two question marks buttons at bottom are ok and cancel.
i am now confident to tftp original chinese firmware.
will report back :-)
you know 20 bucks but recession and no serial  .... would be shame to brick it that is why i thought to post.

etan wrote:

yes that his program i already used in step 1. to verify his modded firmwares (but i got different firmware in step 3.)
and yes two question marks buttons at bottom are ok and cancel.
i am now confident to tftp original chinese firmware.
will report back :-)
you know 20 bucks but recession and no serial  .... would be shame to brick it that is why i thought to post.

My understanding is that checking the header was done in the uboot.  The header should always be the same as in the original firmware as long as the uboot is not changed.  Thus, you should always be able to revert the router to the original status with the original firmware without change.  In the case of 703n, the header bytes 0040 to 0047 should always be 07030101 00000001.  If you flashing 3040 firmware, you will need to change the header to these 8 bytes.  However, I don't know why you need change the header when flash back to 703n firmware, which already has these 8 bytes.
I have never did such change back and forth so my understanding may be wrong.
Good luck again.

oh ok I see what you mean yeah you're right let me scrap this
then why he attached that "revert_back" firmware in his archive hmmm ...

(Last edited by etan on 17 Sep 2012, 02:28)

etan wrote:

oh ok I see what you mean yeah you're right let me scrap this
then why he attached that "revert_back" firmware in his archive hmmm ...

O.K.  Let me know if this works out.  If it does, then maybe he made a mistake.

(Last edited by twinclouds on 17 Sep 2012, 02:34)

Hi i have new linux device connected to my network (Dreambox) which needs my adsl internet.
I need that all devices can go on Internet and to have their differents gateway adresses so when i search on my PC for ..254 or .100 or .24 i will enter in those devices gateway ports
PC (automatic ip)
ADSL Router(


So basically OpenWRT should be Bridge for dreambox to connect to ADSL

(Last edited by fpopic on 17 Sep 2012, 23:14)

Hi, I'm new on this board and I have had this 703n v4 for a while now. I have not had much time to play with it. I installed openwrt in to it and it worked fine. Few day ago I had some free time and I uploaded 703n-video-3g-nas-31270 in to it. That firmware automatically streams webcam feed to http://ip:8080/?action=streamer and provides snapshopt to action=snapshot. My webcam is Logitech C270 HD. Now I have few questions for surveillance use.

1. Loaded firmware automatically provides 640x480 stream and snapshots. How could I have bigger pictures, as my HD webcam can handle those?
2a. If I mount external usb memory to 703n, could I somehow automatically take webcam snapshot/minute and save it to usb mem?
2b. If yes, could it be so that over week old snapshots are automatically removed?
3. Is it anyway possible to have motion tracking? If camera noticed movement, it automatically saves 2-5min video to external usb?
4. Is it possible to stream over wifi? Now I have RJ45 connected from 703n to switch. It would be great if I could only attach 703n to power outlet and don't have to care if I have RJ45 around or not.
5. Could I have ready made firmware that have webcam, usbstorage and possible wifi streaming possibilities? And motion tracking capabilities would make my day!
6. Is there any better way to make surveillance system? smile

Thanks for advance and sorry about my not so good English smile

PS. I've just ordered USB hub and I think that I could mount it inside box like in this thread:

I haven't yet done it with the 703N, but yes to all of your questions.  I have openwrt streaming wirelessly using mjpg-streamer, with the stream fed to the internet here:

This setup is with an NSLU2 running openwrt controlling the camera, and wired to a WRT54G which makes the wireless link from the location in the barn to my network in the house.  A single device like the 703n (with a hub) should work for this now.  The camera is a Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000 which streams at 1600x1200. 

You can check the documentation here: … lt-control

And here: … PICAXE-08M

I have used motion to detect motion and snap shots, and have also used motion to take a shot every 30 seconds.  I set up cron jobs to zip the files and also to delete files more than a week old.  With a large usb drive you could save a lot of snapshots.

None of this is ready-made, and I don't know of a better way to make a surveillance system (depending on your definition of "better" and assuming that costs need to be kept to a minimum).

Sorry, posts 876 to 875 are missing from our archive.