Hi All,
I was wondering if there was a plan to get OpenWRT on the Netgear WNDR4500?
The content of this topic has been archived between 4 Sep 2013 and 8 Apr 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.
Hi All,
I was wondering if there was a plan to get OpenWRT on the Netgear WNDR4500?
I'd also like to know. I just received my WNDR4500 and I'm willing to test if anything becomes available.
It's Broadcom right?
brcm4718, sort of rt-n16 on steroids
WOuld it work?
Hi I’ve just bought one of these and I’m very impressed by the stability and speed of the device!
Though this router is great, it could have more potential than just stock firmware, with around 80MB of free space in the flash!
* SSH+FTP deamon
* PPTP VPN Server
* Better QoS Options
* Ability to install optware Packages Etc...
Anyway, the Telnet Enable Hack works on this router ( http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/netgear/telnet.console ) so I took the opportunity to have a little peak around if anyone is interested in buying this device.
Here is some info from the console:
Release version : Netgear Wireless Router WNDR4500
Time : Aug 26 2011 14:06:57
CFE version : v1.0.3
#cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.6.22 (bob@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 4.2.3) #196 Fri Aug 26 14:05:41 CST 2011
#cat /proc/cpuinfo
system type : Broadcom BCM5300 chip rev 1
processor : 0
cpu model : MIPS 74K V4.9
BogoMIPS : 299.82
wait instruction : no
microsecond timers : yes
tlb_entries : 64
extra interrupt vector : no
hardware watchpoint : yes
ASEs implemented : mips16 dsp
VCED exceptions : not available
VCEI exceptions : not available
unaligned_instructions : 218
dcache hits : 2147483648
dcache misses : 3749630816
icache hits : 2147483648
icache misses : 3942383582
instructions : 2147483648
# cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal: 125976 kB
MemFree: 86456 kB
Buffers: 4196 kB
Cached: 14360 kB
SwapCached: 0 kB
Active: 9884 kB
Inactive: 13744 kB
HighTotal: 0 kB
HighFree: 0 kB
LowTotal: 125976 kB
LowFree: 86456 kB
SwapTotal: 0 kB
SwapFree: 0 kB
Dirty: 0 kB
Writeback: 0 kB
AnonPages: 5084 kB
Mapped: 3488 kB
Slab: 10604 kB
SReclaimable: 2200 kB
SUnreclaim: 8404 kB
PageTables: 440 kB
NFS_Unstable: 0 kB
Bounce: 0 kB
CommitLimit: 62988 kB
Committed_AS: 10964 kB
VmallocTotal: 1015800 kB
VmallocUsed: 4568 kB
VmallocChunk: 1009408 kB
# cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
31 0 2048 mtdblock0
31 1 1280 mtdblock1
31 2 2048 mtdblock2
31 3 64 mtdblock3
31 4 64 mtdblock4
31 5 64 mtdblock5
31 6 64 mtdblock6
31 7 64 mtdblock7
31 8 64 mtdblock8
31 9 64 mtdblock9
31 10 64 mtdblock10
31 11 64 mtdblock11
31 12 64 mtdblock12
31 13 64 mtdblock13
31 14 64 mtdblock14
31 15 32768 mtdblock15
31 16 31481 mtdblock16
31 17 97280 mtdblock17
# routerinfo
Release version : Netgear Wireless Router WNDR4500
Time : Aug 26 2011 14:06:57
CFE version : v1.0.3
Board ID - U12H189T00_NETGEAR
region_num - 0x0002
sku_name - WW
language - English
wl_region - 5
timezone - 0
#ls /www and found too many files but has:
# ps
PID Uid VSZ Stat Command
1 0 2624 S /sbin/preinit
2 0 SW< [kthreadd]
3 0 SWN [ksoftirqd/0]
4 0 SW< [events/0]
5 0 SW< [khelper]
16 0 SW< [kblockd/0]
47 0 SW [pdflush]
48 0 SW [pdflush]
49 0 SW< [kswapd0]
50 0 SW< [aio/0]
600 0 SW< [mtdblockd]
1964 0 SW< [ksuspend_usbd]
1967 0 SW< [khubd]
2081 0 1520 S /bin/eapd
2084 0 2028 S nas
2088 0 3000 S /bin/wps_monitor
2135 0 1752 S swresetd
2137 0 1576 S dnsRedirectReplyd
2139 0 1872 S dlnad
2144 0 828 S dnsmasq -h -n -c 0 -N -i br0 -r /tmp/resolv.conf -u root
2147 0 844 S udhcpd /tmp/udhcpd.conf
2150 0 1576 S ddnsd &
2162 0 2196 S heartbeat
2166 0 1504 S wlanconfigd
2169 0 1572 S pot run
2175 0 7884 S httpd -S -E /usr/sbin/ca.pem /usr/sbin/httpsd.pem
2179 0 1580 S scheact
2182 0 2556 S upnpd
2185 0 1940 S /usr/sbin/email
2202 0 1644 S lld2d br0
2204 0 2228 S /usr/sbin/acl_logd
2215 0 1956 S check_fw
2292 0 9876 S < minidlna.exe -a -f /tmp/minidlna.conf -d
2302 0 SW [checkSBusTimeou]
2305 0 SW [NU UDP]
2306 0 SW [NU TCP]
2324 0 9876 S < minidlna.exe -a -f /tmp/minidlna.conf -d
2329 0 9876 S N minidlna.exe -a -f /tmp/minidlna.conf -d
2340 0 1572 S /usr/sbin/timesync /sbin/ntpclient
2345 0 876 S zebra -d -f /tmp/zebra.conf
2348 0 904 S ripd -d -f /tmp/ripd.conf
2350 0 820 S udhcpc -i eth0 -p /var/run/udhcpc0.pid -s /tmp/udhcpc -H WNDR4500
2392 0 1568 S wpsd
2399 0 1108 S telnetd
2402 0 1104 S /bin/sh
2458 0 1104 R ps
Anyone else found anything interesting?
(Last edited by verg0 on 20 Nov 2011, 10:18)
Its a Broadcom SoC so OpenWrt support will take a long time. There are several legal issues surrounding it atm.
What legal issues ?
Has there been any progress since?
There has been some developement on dd-wrt front.
User Taghanata has released initial build on myopenrouter http://www.myopenrouter.com/download/38649/DD-WRT-for-NETGEAR-WNDR4500-Initial-Release/ , relevant discussion on ddwrt forums here http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=155601 .
That is no development, just repacking the same old binaries.
I didn't know there were any binaries before, sorry. This was the first build I have ever seen, hence the post.
Does it mean that the problems with NAND flash storage and proprietary broadcom driver are over?
(Last edited by Nullius on 14 Jun 2012, 15:43)
Sorry, posts 14 to 25 are missing from our archive.