Unless you've got the serial cable necessary for fixing things i wouldn't recommend messing around too much with trunk at the moment. It seems Failsafe and Reset are broken.
I bricked my 4900 upgrading to trunk at the weekend. It had been happily running a snapshot from last July but that build was missing some packages and i wanted to upgrade to something a little more fresh.
So i configured my backup router (WDR3600) with the same settings (with a few improvements), swapped it for my main router and proceeded with the upgrade.
I unchecked the "retain settings" box and used the sysupgrade image. After upgrade i logged in via telnet and installed LUCI. Started and enabled LUCI but was not able to access the Web GUI (http 302 errors).
A quick Google indicated an old version of libuci might be installed and an "opkg list-installed" showed this was the case (along with loads of stale packages from the original snapshot). Seems that not retaining settings doesn't wipe those old packages too.
Did a "mtd -r erase rootfs_data". Still old packages. "No problem" i thought, and did an "opkg upgrade". Packages were upgraded and i rebooted. Bricked router.
I tried everything on the WDR4900 Wiki page, but nothing works. Then i found those tickets above and figured out why.
So now i'm waiting on a serial adapter to try and fix things.