Additional modules for official "stable" builds - i.e. Attitude Adjustment 12.09, Backfire, etc. are fine as those are defined as stable.
Trunk is by it's nature unstable and experimental, and you shouldn't count on it existing at all tomorrow let alone in the same/compatible state. Unfortunately it means if you need to use a development build *and* need to add optional modules, you have to keep it yourself.
What you could do (too late now) is to mirror a snapshot of Openwrt's snapshot builds at a certain point in time and host it yourself.
If you ask me personally, newbies shouldn't really be messing with unstable/development builds of Openwrt at all, but I admit there's a lot of devices on which development builds are the only ones that will work.
The build process is however, quite well documented on the wiki:
It's very detailed and covers every step of the process from beginning to end. It's not an easy process but if you follow the instructions you should be fine.
It's a bit inefficient making everyone build their own copy, but short of someone mirroring the Openwrt repository or running their own buildbot, the only other thing you could do is try convince the Openwrt team to maintain copies of every snapshot build ever, which is quite unlikely...