Since I am confused about this HT20/HT40 thing with 2.4GHz/5Ghz, I decided to do some testing and put the results in a table. I dont really know what HT20, HT40-, VHT40 etc means (I have some idea), but below is what I have observed.
11b/g/ng/n/a/an as well as HT20/HT40+/HT40-/VHT20/VHT40/VTH80 is configured in /etc/config/wireless
Every time I have changed configuration I have
# wifi down
# wifi
# wifi status
If I got "up":false I have given up that mode and written "did not start".
Otherwise I have copied a 256Mb file from an Ubuntu Desktop, via a WDR4900, to two MacBooks. Copying has been done with nc:
server (sending)
$ nc -l 9999 < 256Mb.bin
client (receiving)
$ time nc 9999 | md5
The resulting times are presented below. Sometimes I have run several sessions to confirm results (usually the second run has been faster / there are of course plenty of things that can disturb, like my neighbours).
2.4Ghz Channel=11
= 2.4Ghz ====== Older MacBook ========= Newer MacBook =
11b # 401s
11b HT20 did not start
11g HT20 31s
11ng HT20 30/33/36/38/39s 20/22s
11ng HT40- 43/47s 17/18s
11ng VHT20 47/50s
11ng VHT40 did not start
11ng VHT80 did not start
11n HT20 30s
11n HT40- 30/30/39s
11n HT40+ did not start
5Ghz Channel=36
= 5Ghz ======== Older MacBook ========= Newer MacBook =
11a HT20 58/58s
11na HT20 42/43/44s 28/29s
11na HT40- 26/33/34s 20/21s
11na HT40+ 33/35s
11na VHT20 40/43/56s
11na VHT40 29/31/41s
11na VHT80 did not start
11n HT20 54s
11n VHT20 33/41/69s
11n VHT40 28/33/42s
Finally, over ethernet cable, for reference.
This is obviously more complex than I thought. You can see what modes refuse to run at all. And you can see some modes are better in my particular situation. I dont really know what consistent conclusions to draw from this.