So, an evening with a lot of cursing about animation tools, Photoshop and video formats later, here's a complete replacement for the boot animation. I hope you like it.
(It runs a bit faster on the device itself, also it remains on the last frame of the animation and does not loop.)
How to install:
1) Backup the original lcd image:
# dd if=/dev/mtd8 of=/tmp/easybox904xdsl_lcdimage_backup.bin
and transfer it off your Easybox
2) Download easybox904xdsl_lcdimage.bin and transfer it to the Easybox, I would suggest to /tmp
3) Verify the integrity of the file:
# md5sum easybox904xdsl_lcdimage.bin
It should read:
9effc4dd7c210fcb8a4b28ebfe1489f8 easybox904xdsl_lcdimage.bin
(If it doesn't, please re-download the image file, I might have changed something in between.)
4) Flash the image file:
# mtd write easybox904xdsl_lcdimage.bin lcdimage
6) Reboot and rejoice you don't have to see a horrible zoom animation of the Vodafone logo anymore.
The binary also contains the images with instructions for the "Rescue Process", and for good measure I replaced them too with my own versions, so we are completely free to distribute this.
Disclaimer: I don't know if this would work with an Easybox 904 LTE, but I assume so. Try at your own risk. I can't imagine that the box would deny booting if the LCD boot logo is broken, but I have no way of knowing that for sure.
P.S.: May I ask you to not quote but only reply to this post, so I can change it in the future if needed. Thank you.
Update 2017-08-27: Of course I made a typo in the most stupidest of places (the IP address of the TFTP server). Corrected and new version uploaded, MD5 adjusted.
(Last edited by metai on 27 Aug 2017, 19:52)