Hello sjachim,
Thank for your reply!
I tried on 4 different computers (3 laptops and a desktop) using the SD-USB adapter that came with the card and also the computer SD slot when it was available but unfortunately it is still the same, the card starts normally and then after a while it's gone. Tried as well on 2 different routers, same thing.
I will give a try with your recommendation.
By the way, is there a reason why when creating a file in the /mnt/sd folder through telnet, it is not shown after on the card on windows side and vice versa? The card need to reboot to show the new file.
There is a command a refresh command called "refresh_sd" but once I put a file on the windows side, it becomes unable to run the command which gives out a error message; "umount: can't umout /mnt/sd: Device or ressource busy". I am sure I am missing something here...
I'll keep looking...
(Last edited by ttytt on 22 Jan 2014, 22:35)