so I've seen this sort of reply several times now. And many of the new routers are including NAND.
What is it about NAND that requires special support? and why is it that this support hasn't been added yet (I've been seeing this for a year or more)?
Also, it looks like some of the netgear routers (3400, 4300, etc) that initially were unsupported because of the lack of NAND support are now showing up in the nightly builds, does this mean that NAND support is showing up in some places?
dd-wrt seems to support many of these devices, isn't that code still GPL and something that could be copied?
If we are still stuck without NAND support, what can those of us without the time and/or skill to do the filesystem modifications do to help? can we croudsource funding to get it added? can we buy devices and ship them somewhere? what can we do?
David Lang
P.S. how can you tell the difference betwen a r6300 v1 and r6300v2?
Zajec wrote:R6300 v1 and v2 are two completely different devices from the hardware and support point of view. Different CPus, different architectures. Luckily drivers can be mostly shared, but they require new initialization method and minor fixes.
R6300 v1 issues:
1) OpenWrt (SquashFs) doesn't support NAND
2) No support for WiFi (BCM4331 / BCM4360)
R6300 v2 issues:
Don't even try it yet, unless you want to hack on drivers by yourself.