Greetings to all, I'm hoping for assistance as my WA901ND is something of a soft brick at the moment.
Not sure what happened but the router crapped out on me and I could no longer access Luci. No problems, I'll just telnet in on, use the failsafe and reset it. This seemed to work ok and the router looked like it was rebooting but for the life of me I can no longer access or see Luci anymore. I set my adapter back to DHCP but no go on accessing the interface.
Any idea on what my current status is? Upon further reading it seems like I may need to use TFTP to revive it but would that be the correct action to take?
Thanks for your help in advance.
I had similar problem, what worked for me is that i used WinSCP (google/download/install)
and logged to router with it, prior to that you have to set new password by telnet using the "passwd" command
after that the steps are
1. Connect with WinSCP to router (SCP protocol, username: root, pswrd: the one you have set)
2. Copy the openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-wa901nd-v3-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin (rename it makes thing easier) to /tmp folder on router (tmp folder is located in root, the folder that opens when you log in to the router)
3. Run the console option in WinSCP and input:
sysupgrade -v /tmp/xxx.bin
after that the router should update it self and you should have access over browser.... well that worked for me i hope it will work for you to... best regards!!!
PS: This should work all so if you flashed the non LuCi version to your router/AP
(Last edited by fallensingularity on 18 Jul 2014, 10:36)