Thanks everyone for the useful info here. Id been looking for something like the kingston as a travel appliance, so when I found this thread and the openwrt wiki entry I got a cheap one on ebay and began playing. Im aiming for something I can use to share the connection from a public network and also serve files via samba. The last couple of posts about the usb flash have been great, and Ive got things going now and thought Id put some notes and questions here.
Further to laird's post above you can join the header on with just a simple
cat mlw221-firmwareupdate-header.bin openwrt-ramips-mt7620n-mlw221-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin > mlwfw_v1.1.5.0.bin
Once it was flashed I went on the serial console and got a wireless repeater setup with method 2 from this thread. I needed to copy the generic settings in /etc/config/dhcp and /etc/config/wireless for things to work.
I then setup automounting as in this page - still a couple of issues to fix here.
Samba setup was from here - also an issue to sort out.
So far it seems to be working OK, Im getting about 2mb/s from the sd card on whilst connected to the other network as well. Questions Ive got so far:
* How would I save my config as a base for a failsafe boot? Does that need to be done with the flash image instead of the installed image?
* I cant see anything much in /proc about battery or charging, is this in the kernel at all?
* reboot seems to get stuck, need to power cycle by hand
These arent really MLW221 realted, but if anyone knows:
*Ive got it set on anon_mount=1 but its picking up the mtd partitions as well as usb/sd cards, is there an 'ignore partition' option?
*Can I set general mount options for anon_mount, specifically something like flush for vfat?
*Im sharing /mnt so that any automounted device shows up, but this means that free space being reported by samba is the ~9mb on the flash, not the 128gb on the sd card. Is there a bodge to get samba report free space for the current mount instead of the base filesystem?
(Last edited by jumphog on 4 Nov 2014, 17:42)