DavidMcWRT wrote:They also linked to Kaloz's OpenWRT builds.
Why-not trunk, interesting ...
I'm guessing because Linksys/Belkin briefed the press with Kaloz's url (a link to his build was also in the SNB review too).
The content of this topic has been archived between 16 Sep 2014 and 7 May 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.
DavidMcWRT wrote:They also linked to Kaloz's OpenWRT builds.
Why-not trunk, interesting ...
I'm guessing because Linksys/Belkin briefed the press with Kaloz's url (a link to his build was also in the SNB review too).
Using username "root".
Authenticating with public key "rsa-key-20120810"
BusyBox v1.23.2 (2015-04-26 03:30:09 UTC) built-in shell (ash)
Linksys WRT1900AC (Mamba)
Security is enabled, and your IP address has been logged.
root@AC1900:~# uname -a
Linux AC1900 3.18.11 #1 SMP Sun Apr 26 03:50:29 UTC 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux
root@AC1900:~# uptime
15:09:00 up 5 days, 1:01, load average: 0.05, 0.06, 0.05
(Last edited by gufus on 1 May 2015, 22:09)
I am on Kaloz's April 23rd build and I get this when I click on mount points:
/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:433: Failed to execute cbi dispatcher target for entry '/admin/system/fstab'.
The called action terminated with an exception:
/usr/lib/lua/luci/cbi.lua:311: Unable to read UCI data: fstab
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'assert'
/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:433: in function 'dispatch'
/usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:168: in function </usr/lib/lua/luci/dispatcher.lua:167>
looking at the date of the build, it might have been a bug that had appeared in LUCI. and was fixed roughly about that date.
I used opkg upgrade of the LUCI packages to rectify, mine is currently listed as git-15.109..., though i seem to recall when i was having the same issue it was listed as git-15.102...
other than the upgraded LUCI packages, im still on build r45415, because everything else is working so i havent bothered re-flashing
Unable to read UCI data: fstab
Means that /etc/config/fstab is either missing or containing syntax errors.
Bit of a OpenWRT newbie here, but is there a resource/guide to flashing the trunk WRT1900ACv1 image and setting it up? I'm familiar with the usual DD-WRT setup process and I wanted to fix the random reboot issue currently plaguing my model
Bit of a OpenWRT newbie here, but is there a resource/guide to flashing the trunk WRT1900ACv1 image and setting it up? I'm familiar with the usual DD-WRT setup process and I wanted to fix the random reboot issue currently plaguing my model
basic info
For initial flashing use
For sysupgrade-ing use
openwrt-mvebu-armada-xp-linksys-mamba-squashfs-sysupgrade.tar for sysupgrades
WRT1900AC(v1) - Mamba
WRT1900ACv2 - Cobra
WRT1200AC - Caiman
BTY visit
(Last edited by gufus on 2 May 2015, 22:24)
Apr29 trunk (1900ac v1) full img. power cycled. Lost WAN access after about two hours. This time, the wireless connection continued to function. (Did not have time to check wired). Back to an earlier version (Apr22).
Trunk now borking (losing WAN via wireless and ethernet) consistently.
Happened with Kaloz Apr23 and every trunk version I have tried since.
Apr22 trunk appears to be stable beyond a few hours.
There are no real differences between those, so something randomly triggers a bug somewhere. Try checking the logs and if "ifdown wan && ifup wan" fixes it.
There are no real differences between those, so something randomly triggers a bug somewhere. Try checking the logs and if "ifdown wan && ifup wan" fixes it.
Any new workings in the pipeline?
Kaloz wrote:There are no real differences between those, so something randomly triggers a bug somewhere. Try checking the logs and if "ifdown wan && ifup wan" fixes it.
Any new workings in the pipeline?
As always
Nihilanth wrote:Kaloz wrote:There are no real differences between those, so something randomly triggers a bug somewhere. Try checking the logs and if "ifdown wan && ifup wan" fixes it.
Any new workings in the pipeline?
As always
Cheers mate! As always, greatly appreciated!
(Last edited by Nihilanth on 3 May 2015, 12:13)
There are no real differences between those, so something randomly triggers a bug somewhere. Try checking the logs and if "ifdown wan && ifup wan" fixes it.
You are correct - of course. Following version just barfed too:
OpenWrt Chaos Calmer r45557 / LuCI (git-15.118.50175-36879e9)
Kernel Version 3.18.11
Now running:
OpenWrt Chaos Calmer r45590 / LuCI (git-15.118.50175-36879e9)
Kernel Version 3.18.11
How and when do you apply "ifdown wan && ifup wan" ?
Thanks (as always).
(Last edited by grimley on 3 May 2015, 19:14)
Hi nitroshift,
QoS / SQM are out of question for speeds above 200Mbps anyway due to their overhead.
Has anyone run tests up to what bandwidth (combined for up- and down-stream) the wrt1900ac can handle? Preferably running sqm-scripts to a host in the internet, so including routing and NAT overhead...
Best Regards
Nihilanth wrote:Kaloz wrote:There are no real differences between those, so something randomly triggers a bug somewhere. Try checking the logs and if "ifdown wan && ifup wan" fixes it.
Any new workings in the pipeline?
As always
Thanks a bunch for all your work getting OPENWRT working on this router.
Kind Regards
How and when do you apply "ifdown wan && ifup wan" ?
Thanks (as always).
Next time you loose wan (but have working wired/wireless) try to execute that from the command line. It could help me track down the issue for you
Anyone know what pins 3 & 5 do on the serial connector? Looks like they might be rts/cts pins but I cant verify.
grimley wrote:How and when do you apply "ifdown wan && ifup wan" ?
Thanks (as always).Next time you loose wan (but have working wired/wireless) try to execute that from the command line. It could help me track down the issue for you
Got it.
Anyone know what pins 3 & 5 do on the serial connector? Looks like they might be rts/cts pins but I cant verify.
I believe that these are likely those signals, but have not found anything definitive to verify that information. I'm using a MAX3232 board to convert the signals to full RS232 levels (info in the wiki) and this chip doesn't use those signals, so I never worried about it.
If you do have an application that will use these, I could suggest just assuming one is RTS and the other CTS, wire it up and test, if it fails, switch the wires and test again. Still fail, assume they are something else and give up. LOL
When I was probing that connector and found that pin 6 was 3.3v, I do not recall seeing any voltage on pins 3 or 5, so CTS/RTS is not assumed to be active by default. I think that there may need to be a voltage presented on the RTS pin first to tell the device to send data before the CTS pin may then have a voltage presented.
I can at least confirm that the Armada MV78230 CPU does in fact have lines for RTS/CTS, but whether these are actually used I can't say.
Hello everyone,
I'm also a quite newbie to OpenWRT, and I'm going to download and install it on my WRT1900ac.
I have found these prebuilt images, https://downloads.openwrt.org/people/kaloz/, which seems to "includes 4.0 kernel, luci plus other packages" (as stated in http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/linksys/wrt1900ac). I've also noticed that my router board version is mamba (did this by checking at --I thinik this info could be added to the wiki).
So, looking at @kaloz' download page, I think the right image for me is "openwrt_wrt1900ac_snapshot.img". However, this image name isn't explicitly indicating that it is a "factory" image (which is to be flashed after Linksys firmware). By ellimination, this should be the correct image for me, but I'm not sure. Can you please help me with this? Is the "openwrt_wrt1900ac_snapshot.img" the "factory" image?
Thanks in advance, you guys really rock!
That is correct. You can flash that image from stock.
Anyone able to compile the ocserv with latest feed update? It seems after update to 0.10.x, it's broken but I'm not sure if it's due to other dependency update like gnutls.
Can anyone compile a list of, what would be considered--essential packages to install with Kaloz latest image?
Can anyone compile a list of, what would be considered--essential packages to install with Kaloz latest image?
I keep that list in a script that I use to configure the stock OpenWrt to my liking. I flash the firmware, then telnet into the router, run the script, and Presto! It's running "right".
The script is config-openwrt.sh at http://github.com/richb-hanover/openwrtscripts
It's a work in progress - there are a bunch of other things I want to add when I get time, but it'll get you started.
Using username "root".
Authenticating with public key "rsa-key-20120810"
BusyBox v1.23.2 (2015-05-02 01:42:13 UTC) built-in shell (ash)
Linksys WRT1900AC (Mamba)
Security is enabled, and your IP address has been logged.
root@AC1900:~# uname -a
Linux AC1900 3.18.11 #1 SMP Sat May 2 02:01:23 UTC 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux
root@AC1900:~# uptime
14:43:33 up 2 days, 3 min, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.04
(Last edited by gufus on 4 May 2015, 21:48)