OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Update on Linksys WRT1900AC support

The content of this topic has been archived between 16 Sep 2014 and 7 May 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.

Chadster766 wrote:
nitroshift wrote:

As I said, I'm not profficient in Linux, all servers / workstations I manage are Windows based. I would be grateful to Chadster if he can sort out the LED lighting issues, apart from the WAN which (after double-reading nyt's post) is sorted out.


Can I get you to add the LED request to issues in my repository? That way I have a record of it being requested and don't forget smile

Done! Thanks!


gufus wrote:
Chadster766 wrote:
gufus wrote:

Ah, not bulit in sad

I could try to add it to the image if you tell me what packages are required from the v3.9_config list.

Just this to yes in config

# CONFIG_PACKAGE_webif-iw-lua-openvpn

This compiled into the build fine but I don't see any OpenVPN menu in the UI. I will research this a bit but I'm guessing something will have to be enabled in the LuCI package under menuconfig.

nyt wrote:
nitroshift wrote:


I noticed the same thing about LED coloring and was somehow bothering me. Another LED thingy: e-sata LED stays on although I haven't got anything connected to the e-sata port and the WPS LED keeps blinking. On a different note, has anyone noticed that the WAN MAC address is set on 00:00:00.00.00? And another finding: DDNS set to doesn't work.


PS. In what file do I need to put those lines?

Which lines?  I pasted diffs that listed the filename on top if thats what you're referring to.

My wan mac is 00:50:43...

Same here

For noob-ish users like me.

Until Chadster gets the chance to update his firmware, you can sort the LED lighting issue as follows:

1. WARNING!!! Modifying files or deleting them may render your device unusable (commonly referred to as "bricking").

2. Get WinSCP from here:

3. Open a SCP connection to your router with WinSCP.

4. Navigate to /usr/sbin folder.

5. Right click on "wan_monitor" file and select "EDIT"

6. After line 66 create a new line and  insert this code:

+                       wan_white off

7. After line 71 create a new line and  insert this code:

+                       wan_amber off

8. For those who use a PPPoe connection, edit line 31 so it reads


9. Save the opened file.

10. Reboot.

Good luck!

(Last edited by nitroshift on 30 Aug 2014, 08:43)

Thanks very much for your hard work. I flashed Chadster's image on my WRT1900AC this morning, and it is smoking fast. Definitely faster then the stock firmware.  I will be following the next release s for sure!!!

On my setup (detailed at the end of this post) Chadster's image runs smoothly and without issues apart from the ones raised above. If Chadster sorts out the e-sata LED and the WAN MAC address issues, it will stay on my router.


If you manage to sort out the issues, please post the diffs here, I will manually modify the files involved rather than write the new firmware.


My setup:
WRT1900AC, 2 Blackberry phones, one on 2.4GHz and the other on 5GHz, a Thecus N2200EVO NAS hard-wired to the router serving as torrent downloader, media-player and samba shares, a WDTV Live Premium mediaplayer connected wireless on 2.4GHz, one PC hard-wired and one laptop connected wireless.

OpenWRT is WORKING on the wrt1900ac!!  Don't return that router yet!  Give it a try!

First off; HUGE gratitude to @Chadster766 for making this image available!!!!  Seriously, thanks!
I was just about to return my "second" wrt1900ac and go to an ASUS.

My story (if anyone cares):
FIOS 50/50
Dual MoCA bridge with fantastically awful Actiontec router.
Set top Box that refuses to work with the linksys software.  I've tried everything, MTU, QoS, exclusions, etc.  VoD will not work with the linksys router and I lose connectivity randomly.

I've been using an older wrt54gl router with openWRT and it's been absolutely rock solid.  It's secure, does what I want it to and just works.  It's brilliant.  It's also very outdated and I cannot get the speeds that I now have available to me.  Time to make an upgrade. 

Enter the wrt1900ac and the awful linksys firmware.  Decent GUI, but abysmal network performance.  I have dropouts, cannot run FIOS video on demand and the wireless is frequent to dropouts.

I'm on my second wrt1900ac as the first one kept dropping connections and rebooting.
The new one with the same linksys software was more stable, but is still giving me the same issues, especially no Video On Demand.

I didn't care about the LinkSys software, just the specs and the potential "OpenSource" availability (even if it was slow coming and still doesn't have the wifi opensource headers).  I see that many folks are returning their wrt1900ac, and I was JUST about to (return my second one), then I started to download the opensource software and was about to compile my own when I saw Chadster766's img file.

I gave it a try and it worked!  I did encounter a bunch of issues, but after tweaks, setting changes and reboots it works fantastic!
Cannot thank you enough.  Saved me all that kernel compiling and the plethora of mistakes I would have made.

Give it a go!


First time poster here and i've been reading through this and I must admit i'm not the best at this HOWEVER i have loaded custom firmware before, and I do understand the instructions on where i must run then make for the BIN file to be generated. Couple of stupid questions though:

1) I think i know a way to download the entire "attitude adjustment" folder using some linux commands, however i'm curious how i might go about doing this on a windows computer?
2) Any recommendations on what tools to use so can build the latest bin on my windows machine?

Thanks so much in advance and pardon my ignorance.

fraunhofer wrote:


First time poster here and i've been reading through this and I must admit i'm not the best at this HOWEVER i have loaded custom firmware before, and I do understand the instructions on where i must run then make for the BIN file to be generated. Couple of stupid questions though:

1) I think i know a way to download the entire "attitude adjustment" folder using some linux commands, however i'm curious how i might go about doing this on a windows computer?
2) Any recommendations on what tools to use so can build the latest bin on my windows machine?

Thanks so much in advance and pardon my ignorance.

Just in case you didn't know there are release images in the McWRT GitHub Releases section you can flash.

To make a OpenWRT development platform on a Windows computer I suggest installing VMware Player or another VM Client. Then install a Linux distro on the Virtual Machine. I suggest Debian as a Linux distro.

Give it a few more hours and I'll bet someone will post a current .img file just for those who don't know how to compile from source

Ad blocking with the WRT1900AC

Tested with McWRT v1.0.1
A OpenWRT project for the Linksys WRT1900AC router

this (which gives the possibility to add some custom hosts in either /etc/hosts or /mnt/sda1/hosts)

---- cut here

export DLHOSTS=/tmp/dlhosts_log
echo "" > $DLHOSTS
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nn=1\nwhile sleep 60\ndo\n\twget -q -O - | grep \"^\" | grep -v localhost | awk '{print \"$_rogue\\\t\"\$2}' | tr -d '\\\015' >/tmp/dlhosts\n" >/tmp/write_dlhosts
echo -e "\t[ \`grep -il doubleclick /tmp/dlhosts\` ] && break\n\t[ \$n -gt 5 ] && break\n\tlet n+=1\ndone\n[ -e /mnt/sda1/hosts ] && cat /mnt/sda1/hosts >>/tmp/dlhosts\n[ -e /etc/hosts ] && cat /etc/hosts >>/tmp/dlhosts\nkillall -HUP dnsmasq" >>/tmp/write_dlhosts
chmod +x /tmp/write_dlhosts
/tmp/write_dlhosts &
echo "Done!" >> $DLHOSTS
---- cut here


Put in /tmp
From web UI add,  network > DHCP and DNS > Resolv and Hosts file > Additional Hosts files /tmp/dlhosts
Run /tmp/ from your startup

falserunes wrote:

Give it a few more hours and I'll bet someone will post a current .img file just for those who don't know how to compile from source

gufus it would be great if you added that Ad Blocking post to the McWRT Wiki.

(Last edited by Chadster766 on 31 Aug 2014, 23:37)

Chadster766 wrote:

gufus it would be great if you added that Ad Blocking post to the McWRT Wiki.


thanks everyone/@gufus,

Just curious what kind of tweaks you had to make? I'm going to flash mine tonight so i'm just curious if there's any "gotcha's" or just simple stuff.

fraunhofer wrote:

thanks everyone/@gufus,

Just curious what kind of tweaks you had to make? I'm going to flash mine tonight so i'm just curious if there's any "gotcha's" or just simple stuff.


Bug report:
1.WAN status

(Last edited by dobetter on 1 Sep 2014, 04:17)

gufus wrote:
fraunhofer wrote:

thanks everyone/@gufus,

Just curious what kind of tweaks you had to make? I'm going to flash mine tonight so i'm just curious if there's any "gotcha's" or just simple stuff.


much appreciated. thank you gufus

dobetter wrote:

Bug report:
1.WAN status

Please create an issue for this at the below link as gufus mentions. This informs others and allows for collaboration on the issue's solution outside this thread. When the solution is fixed in a release. It will be closed off and you will get an auto notification.

gufus wrote:
Chadster766 wrote:

gufus it would be great if you added that Ad Blocking post to the McWRT Wiki.


I added this to the wiki smile

Gufus, your adblocking is running perfectly, Thanks very much!

Hi all, this is my first time here!
I'd like to thank everybody involved in creating custom firmware for our WRT1900AC routers.
My router is running the latest factory image and although I'm happy with the router, it keeps crashing/rebooting randomly every couple of hours.
I'm looking to upgrade the firmware. In their current state, would you recommend flashing one of the custom firmwares over the factory one (stability wise)?

I've been running Chadsters image for two days, absolutely ZERO issues No crashes, no browser hangups, nothing. I have 3 Android Phones, a Blackberry, 3 laptops, 2 Android Tablets, ! playbook, One PS4, One PS3, and an xbox. NO ISSUES !

Just remember if you flash it that the router address will be Login is "root", no pasword.

terente0081 wrote:

Hi all, this is my first time here!
I'd like to thank everybody involved in creating custom firmware for our WRT1900AC routers.
My router is running the latest factory image and although I'm happy with the router, it keeps crashing/rebooting randomly every couple of hours.
I'm looking to upgrade the firmware. In their current state, would you recommend flashing one of the custom firmwares over the factory one (stability wise)?

Here is what I would do if you are tentative:

1. Create a backup config of how your router is configured right now with the linksys software.
This way you have it saved and can revert back if you are not satisfied with the openwrt (you will love it).

2: Go to the linksys site and download their latest version of the firmware (it's actually pretty old considering how new the hardware is): … 7_prod.img

3. This was a good place for me to start, but there are many places out there.


(Last edited by rachwalj on 1 Sep 2014, 16:10)


If your router is currently unstable (random crashes, reboots):

I would recommend flashing the linksys firmware (again, yes the same firmware).  I did this and it actually stabilized the router for a couple of days, then the random weirdness started again.  This should buy you enough time to safely upload the firmware from Chadster.

By the way, his firmware is here:

You'll be surprised how easy this is actually.  If you run into issues, post them on the board and folks will help.
