OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Update on Linksys WRT1900AC support

The content of this topic has been archived between 16 Sep 2014 and 7 May 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.


Fantastic post. Thanks for summarizing it. Although it was directed to Rick, is certainly helps other people seeking for information.

Perhaps most of the information that you've put there can be used to update the Wiki and help other people that are looking exclusively there for updates about this device.

Best regards,


DavidMcWRT wrote:

Hi Rick,

I'm writing this in a positive way.

From your posts I can see:

1) You bought a WRT1900AC in early June 2014.  You're running stock firmware and haven't had any wireless issues with it.

2) You're waiting for a stable open source release.

Unfortunately Linksys/Belkin/Marvell messed up, as documented through the first 30 pages of this thread.  To summarise, they didn't consult with the OpenWRT community before announcing the product and that OpenWRT would be available for it.  They then dumped OpenWRT builds onto us that (a) used binary blobs, and (b) used hacked up code that couldn't be incorporated into OpenWRT as it was.

What's the kernel ver in r43874 (trunk)?

gufus wrote:

What's the kernel ver in r43874 (trunk)?

Looks like 3.14.27 for target mvebu.

raven-au wrote:
gufus wrote:

What's the kernel ver in r43874 (trunk)?

Looks like 3.14.27 for target mvebu.


Ad Blocking

Tested with CHAOS CALMER (Bleeding Edge, r43860)
Modified: 1/10/15

This (which gives the possibility to add some custom hosts in either /etc/hosts or /mnt/sda1/hosts)

--- cut here

export DLHOSTS=/tmp/dlhosts_log
echo "" > $DLHOSTS
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nn=1\nwhile sleep 60\ndo\n\twget -q -O - | grep \"^\" | grep -v localhost | awk '{print \"$_rogue\\\t\"\$2}' | tr -d '\\\015' >/tmp/dlhosts\n" >/tmp/write_dlhosts
echo -e "\t[ \`grep -il doubleclick /tmp/dlhosts\` ] && break\n\t[ \$n -gt 5 ] && break\n\tlet n+=1\ndone\n[ -e /mnt/sda1/hosts ] && cat /mnt/sda1/hosts >>/tmp/dlhosts\n[ -e /etc/hosts ] && cat /etc/hosts >>/tmp/dlhosts\nkillall -HUP dnsmasq" >>/tmp/write_dlhosts
chmod +x /tmp/write_dlhosts
/tmp/write_dlhosts &
echo "Done!" >> $DLHOSTS
--- cut here


Put in /tmp

From web UI add,  network > DHCP and DNS > Resolv and Hosts file > Additional Hosts files /tmp/dlhosts

Run /tmp/ from your startup


(Last edited by gufus on 10 Jan 2015, 10:50)

bsoft wrote:

As far as I can tell, right now it's the *only* consumer 802.11ac router that's working with mainline OpenWRT, partly because almost everything else is using a Broadcom chipset.

What about the TP-Link Archer C5 and C7v2?

I was under the impression it works. But I don't have one myself so I only believe what I read on this forum and on the OpenWRT wiki.

I have told other people the Archer works - I don't want to give people the wrong information.
And other people may be reading this thread and get the impression that the Archer does not exist, and that would be unfortunate if it happens to be the right router for their needs.

Anyone who wants to clarify?

That said, it is so great to read about the progress of the WRT1900AC! I might get one just to join the fun!

The C7v2 works (including 802.11ac), although it seems from various reports that the ath10k driver isn't quite perfect.

gufus wrote:

Ad Blocking

Tested with CHAOS CALMER (Bleeding Edge, r43860)
Modified: 1/10/15

This (which gives the possibility to add some custom hosts in either /etc/hosts or /mnt/sda1/hosts)

--- cut here

export DLHOSTS=/tmp/dlhosts_log
echo "" > $DLHOSTS
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nn=1\nwhile sleep 60\ndo\n\twget -q -O - | grep \"^\" | grep -v localhost | awk '{print \"$_rogue\\\t\"\$2}' | tr -d '\\\015' >/tmp/dlhosts\n" >/tmp/write_dlhosts
echo -e "\t[ \`grep -il doubleclick /tmp/dlhosts\` ] && break\n\t[ \$n -gt 5 ] && break\n\tlet n+=1\ndone\n[ -e /mnt/sda1/hosts ] && cat /mnt/sda1/hosts >>/tmp/dlhosts\n[ -e /etc/hosts ] && cat /etc/hosts >>/tmp/dlhosts\nkillall -HUP dnsmasq" >>/tmp/write_dlhosts
chmod +x /tmp/write_dlhosts
/tmp/write_dlhosts &
echo "Done!" >> $DLHOSTS
--- cut here


Put in /tmp

From web UI add,  network > DHCP and DNS > Resolv and Hosts file > Additional Hosts files /tmp/dlhosts

Run /tmp/ from your startup


will this work on anything below Bleeding Edge, r43860 ?

Just remember /tmp is in RAM and gets cleared every reboot. So don't stick anything in there you want to keep between reboots...

leitec wrote:
DavidMcWRT wrote:

Posting this is a separate message so it doesn't get confused with the security stuff smile

I'm interested in what, if any, compiler options (CFLAGS) are set for speed/size.

I don't know anything about the buildbot system, but my hunch is that it's just a cross-compiler setup.

It may therefore not specifically set a


CFLAG to use CPU instructions specifically for the one in the WRT1900AC.  /proc/cpuinfo gives that as "ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l)", but I can't cross reference that to any of the particular armv7 names GCC supports (armv7, armv7-a, armv7-r, armv7-m, armv7e-m, armv7ve).

Also, whether any code optimisation level is set.  I guess we'd want -Os to optimise for performance and size; else if size isn't an issue we could go for -O3 to for (in general) the fastest code.

According to … bu/config,

CONFIG_DEFAULT_TARGET_OPTIMIZATION="-Os -pipe -march=armv7-a -mtune=cortex-a9 -mfpu=vfpv3-d16"

Thank you smile

mojolacerator wrote:
gufus wrote:

Ad Blocking

Tested with CHAOS CALMER (Bleeding Edge, r43860)
Modified: 1/10/15

This (which gives the possibility to add some custom hosts in either /etc/hosts or /mnt/sda1/hosts)

--- cut here

export DLHOSTS=/tmp/dlhosts_log
echo "" > $DLHOSTS
echo -e "#!/bin/sh\nn=1\nwhile sleep 60\ndo\n\twget -q -O - | grep \"^\" | grep -v localhost | awk '{print \"$_rogue\\\t\"\$2}' | tr -d '\\\015' >/tmp/dlhosts\n" >/tmp/write_dlhosts
echo -e "\t[ \`grep -il doubleclick /tmp/dlhosts\` ] && break\n\t[ \$n -gt 5 ] && break\n\tlet n+=1\ndone\n[ -e /mnt/sda1/hosts ] && cat /mnt/sda1/hosts >>/tmp/dlhosts\n[ -e /etc/hosts ] && cat /etc/hosts >>/tmp/dlhosts\nkillall -HUP dnsmasq" >>/tmp/write_dlhosts
chmod +x /tmp/write_dlhosts
/tmp/write_dlhosts &
echo "Done!" >> $DLHOSTS
--- cut here


Put in /tmp

From web UI add,  network > DHCP and DNS > Resolv and Hosts file > Additional Hosts files /tmp/dlhosts

Run /tmp/ from your startup


will this work on anything below Bleeding Edge, r43860 ?

Yes, It should.

lonniereeder wrote:
RickStep wrote:

I have been of the opinion since the 1980/1990 time frame that 80/90% of commercial programmers "need their fingers broken".

Clearly the group here ARE working very diligently trying to push the limits forward AFTER Marvel decided NOT to release the driver source code.

There is WAY TOO MUCH crap software in the market place; due to individuals AND companies that don't understand QUALITY.

When I worked in the medical electronics industry as late as the early 2000's; it was common knowledge that for every hour of programming it required 10 hours of testing.

Today for every hour of programming; software is lucky if it gets 5 minutes of testing; and WE wonder why software mostly does NOT WORK.  Microsoft, Apple etc. are at the top of the list!


I really don't like to make these kinds of posts, but I think I speak for a few members here, if not I will stand on my own. If you are having trouble with forum software, sorry. It is working for the greater percentage of us. In case you don't understand open source, it is just that open free for people to change, modify, play with, and do what ever their hearts desires with it. And most if not all of the developers here are doing it free and sharing it with the rest of us. That is awesome!!!! Thank you to all of you for sharing your talents. So most of what you see is donated and some of it is free as maybe this forum, I am not sure. So quit complaining about the forum software, and please quit posting the crap messages.

I personally resent your threats of breaking fingers of commercial programmers, some of us on here are that commercial programmers. I am one of those commercial programmers, I learned to program in assembly language and FORTRAN, back when memory/hard disk was a premium and your code had to fit into a very tiny little space. But I could a lot with both of those languages together, I could control printers, plotters and do some wonderful things with them. I enjoyed playing with registers and such..... Ah the memories.... But I digress off my point. My point is, every since your first post you have done nothing but complain and grip, and now you are demanding that software be repaired on a site that is being used. You indicated your programming skills is  in windows, well this is windows... Why don't you fix it.

My final comment, if you are not going help by reporting errors, testing, or just be a sideline cheerleader to see this grow, mature and become a workable solution and you just want to spew complaints, please quit posting. Open source is not the place for you. I just know I am tired of hearing your complaints/crap such. 


Software is the most difficult to test and debug.

Our school systems have primary grade pupils and secondary grade students writing programs. Do they work; YES. Do they follow any standard; NO. If posted online for others to use securely; NO.

The grade school pupils & higher grade students can't use carpentry tools, can't cook, can't fix a car, can't design an electronic circuit; BUT THE SCHOOL SYSTEM has taught them the are SOFTWARE PROGRAMMERS.

The problem is; IF some of these "kids"; many of these kids that get a university degree in software engineering; HOW do you break them of really bad programming habits.

Most "kids" that learn to program in public school systems like it so much that they produce programs today (aps) for smartphones & tables etc. and despite their university degree NEVER get away from CRAP programming.

It is way easier to teach someone how to program from scratch; than it is to BREAK programmers from OLD HABITS.

I was not taking a swipe at a dedicated group here; bat at the programmer/group that sold the software that allows these posts.

The "board" software IS crap!

Go down to the DavidMcWrt post number 2,243 from Friday 20:55:03 hours.


Rick. Stop smoking that shit. This thing are killing your brain.

RickStep wrote:

I was not taking a swipe at a dedicated group here; bat at the programmer/group that sold the software that allows these posts.

The "board" software IS crap!

Go down to the DavidMcWrt post number 2,243 from Friday 20:55:03 hours.


My bank logs me out after 15 minutes of inactivity. Lots of other sites also do in more or less graceful ways. There are good reasons to not let sessions live forever. Perhaps something got restarted and your session ended prematurely. Get over it. The forum works for its purpose, and someone keeps it alive for us who don't pay a cent for it.


Is there a fix for this?

[2015/01/09 23:28:59] minidlna.c:1026: warn: Starting MiniDLNA version 1.1.4.
[2015/01/09 23:28:59] minidlna.c:355: warn: Creating new database at /tmp/run/minidlna/files.db
[2015/01/09 23:28:59] minidlna.c:1065: warn: HTTP listening on port 8200
[2015/01/09 23:28:59] scanner.c:726: warn: Scanning /mnt/sdb1
[2015/01/09 23:29:11] metadata.c:686: warn: Opening /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/Aquarium-115M1.mpg failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2015/01/09 23:29:11] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/Aquarium-115M1.mpg!
[2015/01/09 23:29:11] metadata.c:686: warn: Opening /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/Aroundtown-115M1.mpg failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2015/01/09 23:29:11] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/Aroundtown-115M1.mpg!
[2015/01/09 23:29:11] metadata.c:686: warn: Opening /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/JazzMontage-17M1.mpg failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2015/01/09 23:29:11] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/JazzMontage-17M1.mpg!
[2015/01/09 23:29:12] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/NASA.MPG!
[2015/01/09 23:29:12] metadata.c:686: warn: Opening /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/PikePlaceMarket-115M1.mpg failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2015/01/09 23:29:12] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/PikePlaceMarket-115M1.mpg!
[2015/01/09 23:29:12] metadata.c:686: warn: Opening /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/SpaceNeedle-115M1.mpg failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2015/01/09 23:29:12] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/SpaceNeedle-115M1.mpg!
[2015/01/09 23:29:13] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/goodtime.mpg!
[2015/01/09 23:29:13] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/hist17.mpg!
[2015/01/09 23:29:14] metadata.c:686: warn: Opening /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/hist22.mpg failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2015/01/09 23:29:14] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/hist22.mpg!
[2015/01/09 23:29:14] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/hist24.mpg!
[2015/01/09 23:29:14] metadata.c:686: warn: Opening /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/weezer.mpg failed! [Invalid data found when processing input]
[2015/01/09 23:29:14] scanner.c:490: warn: Unsuccessful getting details for /mnt/sdb1/My Media/Movie Clip's/weezer.mpg!
[2015/01/09 23:29:15] scanner.c:813: warn: Scanning /mnt/sdb1 finished (1016 files)!
[2015/01/09 23:29:15] playlist.c:125: warn: Parsing playlists...
[2015/01/09 23:29:15] playlist.c:259: warn: Finished parsing playlists.

RickStep wrote:

I was not taking a swipe at a dedicated group here; bat at the programmer/group that sold the software that allows these posts.

The "board" software IS crap!

Go down to the DavidMcWrt post number 2,243 from Friday 20:55:03 hours.

Prior to that post of mine you had been the only one to experience the issue.  My post confirmed it also happened to me.  It seems it's a "corner case" though; I only triggered it when I took the time writing a very long post.

The software used for the forum appears to be PunBB. I'm sure the authors are just as "dedicated" as we are with their own software.

It's also GPL, so the source code is available:
should anyone have the time or skills to track this problem down.

In any case there's also a bug report page:
and I have reported the bug to them.

I really think there is a hardware problem with some of these routers and despite all the good work here; programmers are re-proofing their work chasing software problems that are actually hardware problems with the WiFi transmitters on some units and re-writing the firmware will never fix some routers.

I can't fix this. I offered only to tableize the data once a week. I also asked if there was a utility run under windows that could read the data from a router using firmware written in UNIX and its derivative Linux .

If I can be helpful, I can help collect the data.

If none of the programmers believe that that some routers may have defective hardware; I will do nothing.

It was and is a simple question.

For what ever reason the SWIPE at the board software took over AND the board software is still broken. This board is NOT A BANK!


RickStep wrote:

If none of the programmers believe that that some routers may have defective hardware; I will do nothing.

Right now Kaloz, one of the OpenWRT developers, is tracking reports here:

and his most recent comment based on that data was:

Kaloz wrote:
tusc wrote:

I'm suspecting it's the chipset on the clients themselves not working well with the new Marvel driver. If you look at the 6 reports on Kaloz's git page (one of them mine) you'll see a common pattern: apple products with broadcom chipsets.

Or better say, some apple products, and it seems the issue is with the OS X / IOS wireless stack. As other reported no issues with iPads, I guess it's even IOS version dependent.. Also, even I do have issues if I boot my MBA to OS X, and it's flawless with Linux.

RickStep wrote:

For what ever reason the SWIPE at the board software took over AND the board software is still broken.

All software has bugs.  Thanks to you we know about this one.  You and I are the only two who have ever been affected by it.

There's a work-around: copy and paste the message into a separate (text editor/word processor) window before you hit submit, then if you do have a problem you at least won't need to type the post from scratch again.

It's actually something I tend to do when submitting email enquiry web forms because quite often it times out or the captcha's wrong or I need to correct a field or something.

I've submitted a bug report and we have a work-around.

gufus wrote:

Got my openvpn setup working -- WORKS FINE

Did you do anything special?  Others seem to have had problems setting it up.  If you have time to document what you did it could be a help.

gufus wrote:


No heartbleed in CC r43860 OpenVPN

root@AC1900:~#  strings /usr/lib/ | grep OpenSSL
SSLv3 part of OpenSSL 1.0.1j 15 Oct 2014
TLSv1 part of OpenSSL 1.0.1j 15 Oct 2014
DTLSv1 part of OpenSSL 1.0.1j 15 Oct 2014
OpenSSL 1.0.1j 15 Oct 2014

There's recently been some new OpenSSL advisories:

There's already a new package available:

opkg update
opkg install libopenssl

to update.  Don't know if a reboot is required but I did one just in case.

To find out in general what packages installed are updateable:

opkg update
opkg list-upgradable|egrep -v "Using latest."

Please some one point me in the right direction. I need to get USB working but the shares never show up. I get 4 mount ponts to setup but only two are accessible and they only have the lost&found folders in them and I can not write to those shares

/dev/sda1 (7551 MB) /home/sda1 ext4 defaults no no   
/dev/sda (7552 MB) /home/sda ext4 defaults no no
/dev/sdb (14904 MB) /home/test ext4 defaults no no
/dev/sdb1 (14903 MB) /home/test2 ext4 defaults no no

SDA1 and test2 are the only ones that show up.


how does one request a package be included in openwrt?

Chadster's McWRT AA fork included ntp-utils, but CC Trunk doesn't have it.



Is there any way to use nftables? big_smile

RickStep wrote:

I really think there is a hardware problem with some of these routers and despite all the good work here; programmers are re-proofing their work chasing software problems that are actually hardware problems with the WiFi transmitters on some units and re-writing the firmware will never fix some routers.

You are implying that somehow the vendor firmware is specifically written to work around these hardware bugs.
That's probably not the case.