I actually don't know if I should open a new thread, so Im just going to post it here~
After a power outage my router didnt boot up anymore (with StrangeOrange's build,the orange LED led up, but after some seconds it just turned off). So I just used a USB Stick, put changeway's build on the usb stick, named it miwifi.bin. Now the router doesnt even get to the blue led, it just goes through the orange led "state" and turns off afterwards. Flashing through the USB stick (seemingly) doesn't work. I cant reach the router via ssh in failsafe mode as well (At least it seems so). Is there something else I can do, or did I just brick it?
If you have original bootloader you should be able to flash original xiaomi firmware from usb stick. I didn't have any luck with custom roms with this method. In every recovery I had to revert to the xiaomi firmware first before flashing custom again.