yoyellow wrote:timb wrote:As of Chaos Calmer RC3, iOS tethering is working just fine for me. You need to install the following packages: kmod-usb-net-ipheth libusbmuxd libimobiledevice usbmuxd (Though, just installing usbmuxd should take care of the lib* packages. You can also install lib*-utils if you want the optional utilities.)
Now, here's the key that took me forever to figure out: You have to actually start usbmuxd for the Ethernet interface to become available! Just type 'usbmuxd' to start it, plug in your iPhone (with tethering turned on) and you should see it register in the kernel logs. Now, add a new network device using the CLI or LuCI, assigning it to the iPhone's Ethernet device, restart networking and you're set.
Tested working on a TL-WR710N and HT-TM04 with an iPhone 5S running iOS 9 Beta 1 and on an iPhone 6 with iOS 8.
do you know if this would work in BB as well ? i have some tiny bouards with 4MB flash and the packages dont fit (with luci on it as well, so might need to remove that) i know CC has a bigger footprint then BB (or AA for that matter) wondering if it would work on the older images...
edit: Checked myself, it also works on BB 
Awesome! Good to know. 
By the way, you can just add ‘/usr/sbin/usbmuxd’ to ‘/etc/rc.local’ to have it start on boot. Another thing I’ve found is that sometimes when plugging in the phone, despite ‘Personal Hotspot’ already being enabled, it won’t connect. In that case, you may have to toggle the hotspot off and on after the ‘Trust’ dialog pops up; after a few seconds the blue banner should appear on the phone and you’re good to go.
I’ve got a HT-TM04 (about the size of a TP-Link WR710N with build-in battery) setup with an interface called ‘iPhone’ that I’ve bridged the WiFi, Ethernet and iPhone interfaces together in. I created a hotplug script that enables a the WiFi interface (in AP mode) when the iPhone is plugged in, then automatically brings down it down when it’s disconnected. This gives me a portable iPhone-to-Ethernet/WiFi bridge I can use when working at remote sites. (I know the iPhone has a built-in WiFi hotspot, but I just disable that; this way the router keeps the phone charged while providing the WiFi, which along with the ethernet port is bridged to the iPhone, which provides the DHCP/NAT functionality.)
Here’s that hotplug script, for anyone who might find it useful:
if [ "$ACTION" = ifup ]; then
if [ "$INTERFACE" = iPhone ]; then
logger -t "$INTERFACE-$ACTION" Enabling Wireless AP...
/sbin/uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].disabled=0
/sbin/uci commit wireless
if [ "$ACTION" = ifdown ]; then
if [ "$INTERFACE" = iPhone ]; then
logger -t "$INTERFACE-$ACTION" Disabling Wireless AP...
/sbin/uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].disabled=1
/sbin/uci commit wireless
/sbin/wifi down
(Last edited by timb on 28 Jul 2015, 09:36)