> I can only relate my own experience, but this is what happened to me.
I went from Stock firmware to : https://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_cal … x/generic/
My R8000 NEVER ran that fast on wireless or wired clients, it was just amazing.
In blind faith I guess, 3 days later or so, I flashed the trunk image straight. The router became unpingable, even though it looked like it booted properly(from the light array). My only option then was serial recovery/tftp, which I flashed the stock firmware back. Then I decided to put the firmware from the above link back on as it WAS working fantastic. Then the same error occured. Router rebooted, looked fine, but was unpingable.
Weird thing is, just for fun and to make sure I wasn't crazy.....(some argue that point
.... I flashed the trunk image for two days on both my R7000, and AC56U, with NO issues. It seems to be unique to the R8000, for me anyway.
I was thinking of asking you anyway in regards to the above post, could it be some fragments getting stuck in nvram? Maybe the Netgear firmware isn't cleaning nvram out? I am running DD-WRT on the R8000 right now, is it worth erasing dd-wrt nvram, flashing Netgear oem, then trying the Openwrt image again? What sucks is it would have to wait for the weekend for me now.