Now it is (I think) exactly as in the template. If you are happy I am happy. Let me know if/when you want other changes.
Almost happy
1) Can you implement the columns "Detachable Antennas", Serial, JTAG in both, your list and the datapages?
2) Set "Device Techdata Page_pageid : Techdata" for all devices
(Background: "Techdata" is the name of the link to the dataentry page; we can name this as we like)
3) factory-img_factory + sysupgrade-img_sysupgrade: replace '_factory' + '_sysupgrade' by simple '_url'
The method with '_factory' + '_sysupgrade' has performance issues. We need to shorten the URLs via CSS.
@drawz: good to see that someone else is following this topic. Sometimes it makes me worried we are three people in a bubble
I totally agree. Would be good to have more eyes looking at what we are doing here.