I have entered data for the APU1D and APU1D4. This has been a tedious process trying to identify the correct parameters.
Good. This data will disappear next time we run the "import". If you want to add permanent data, also do it the old way here: http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/start#pc_engines. You can compare the experiences.
Not sure what determines an official release. At least not sure where to look. Same with current release. What is official? Should this not always be Trunk? Other wise its 14.07 until 15.05 is final?
Well, the official releases are the ones here: https://downloads.openwrt.org/ (except the current RC3). Also see my comment #795 from yesterday.
Platform for 64 bit is defined in wiki platforms as x86. There is no x64. Does this now warrant change?
I think x86_64 used to be its own target under trunk, but that is clearly not the case anymore. See: https://downloads.openwrt.org/chaos_cal … -rc3/x86/. I think this has changed quite recently (perhaps with 15.05RC1) and it would not surprise me if it changes again.
Instruction set - following the link the instruction set should be AMD based upon the CPU being AMD as opposed to Intel. Not sure of the implications of x86 for AMD in config/dev
Are you referring to the differences between EMT-64 (Intel) and AMD64 (AMD)? I dont know either. As far as I know, for OpenWrt purposes the significant difference is between x86 (x86/generic) and x84_64 (x86/64).
Bootloader is Coreboot, not a selection currently
Good! @tmo26, can you add it? @RangerZ: do all PC Engines devices use Coreboot? In that case I can make sure it gets right at next import.
Flash does not include CF (ALIX) or M-sata and USB (APU) m-sata is suggested.
Good! I believe we should add "CF" and "mSATA" as options (@tmo26). I dont really know what USB(APU) means here.
Ethernet ports - I think the - should be replaced with "0"
Well... the format of ethernet has changed quite much lately. The standard thing has been to use '-' for "no such hardware/feature", that is why it says - rather than 0. When it comes to detachable antennas we allow both. The most important thing is that we are consistent, I think.
Device Page - Add note to instructions to create one if it does not exist and direct user to a template page. I have entered in the current page http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/pcengines/apu but the system removes it and replaces it with http:wiki.openwrt.org:toh:pcengines:apu
I think this is just they way DokuWiki wants links to itself to be written.
Picture - I do not understand the instructions
Ok. This one has not received much attention. I am not sure myself how to upload compatible pictures to the right URL.
I do not understand the purpose\use of Edit Summary: [Data Entry] [check box] Minor Changes
This is a standard Wiki feature (found also in MediaWiki), and it most often does not make any sense. It has no significant meaning.
On the Data Entry display page, please increase the column size for the labels by about 5 chrs to get Rev: on the same line as the rest of the text.
It is on the same lines for me... try CTRL+(minus) and see if it looks better. It would probably require a css-change to fix this, and I suggest putting priority on more important things.
@RangerZ: thanks for your input. As you see it is needed and there are little mistakes here and there. And things to discuss. The current situation is that we need to update the old wiki (5 pages): http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/start to get persistent changes. Then I need to maintain and run a script regularly to maintain: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/906 … ndex.html. There each devices has a Data Entry which contains cleansed data that will go into the "future" wiki. These Data Entries have been imported exactly once, and we are waiting for it to happen again. Even though the future wiki is not perfect, it would be very nice to consider it good enough quite soon, so we can stop this double book keeping and script running. This will require some user feedback and quality testing - like what you contribute with here.