BTW:I already conected to router with
Topic: TL-WR842N(EU) - openwrt support
The content of this topic has been archived between 7 Apr 2018 and 29 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
WOW,thanks you so much.I conected to my wifi and I typed:cd /tmp
sysupgrade -n luci-15.05-ar71xx-generic-tl-wr842n-v3-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
BTW:I already conected to router with
You're welcome!.
How to detect is router is bricked???I think I bricked my one.Power Led starts blinking after 10-15.
Is USB enabled by default or do I have to install support for it? I have tried two different versions of OpenWRT and am having trouble accessing attached USB keys on both.
The first version i tried was the first marked "Tested OK" on the wiki page:
The second was from trunk:
I can telnet into OpenWRT and see that it is installed. The USB key light flashes on startup and stays lit afterwards. But, if I try to mount the USB it doesn't work.
Also, I've noticed references to version 3.1 as an EU version. The TL-WR842N Version 3.1 routers I am using were purchased in North America. Would this make a difference?
How to detect is router is bricked???I think I bricked my one.Power Led starts blinking after 10-15.
Probably is not bricked... you should try to press the reset button a few seconds to enable failsafe mode and boot it. then you should try to connect using a ethernet cable using telnet to factory ip
try that first.. if you flashed trunk there is a chance of image malfunction, happened to me.
if that doesn't work, you will have success flashing again with help of a USB ttl cable connecting it to the board.
(Last edited by braian87b on 9 Jan 2017, 12:52)
Is USB enabled by default or do I have to install support for it? I have tried two different versions of OpenWRT and am having trouble accessing attached USB keys on both.
The first version i tried was the first marked "Tested OK" on the wiki page:
The second was from trunk:
I can telnet into OpenWRT and see that it is installed. The USB key light flashes on startup and stays lit afterwards. But, if I try to mount the USB it doesn't work.
No, usually USB support are not enabled by default on images, but there is some images that has needed packages included.
Trunk usually are minimum image, even without luci, sometimes even without ipv6, and without many other packages, and the that you pointed seems to be the small one (the big one is the one I think that is named 'luci', that has some packages, probably usb too)
if you want to enable specific support for USB you should follow the usual packages/kerner modules for that:
for storage only (you should add also packages for specific filesystems too):
kmod-usb-storage kmod-usb-storage-extras block-mount
for usb support only (then you should add other packages depending on device that you plug):
kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-uhci kmod-usb-ohci
usbutils is very useful too, it has 'lsusb' command that helps to gather information about plugged and detected USB devices.
there is plenty of openwrt articles on web describing this... here is main one for USB storage:
if the USB device that you plug seems to have a malfunction you could use 'logread' command and the 'dmesg' command to get some info about it...
Also, I've noticed references to version 3.1 as an EU version. The TL-WR842N Version 3.1 routers I am using were purchased in North America. Would this make a difference?
There should be no difference, it is what is says on label, if it says 3.1 then is that one, probably that router have traveled overseas for you!... I have purchased mine on South America.
Thanks braian87b. Very helpful. I'll try another package or install USB support.
Thanks braian87b. Very helpful. I'll try another package or install USB support.
It is better to do a opkg update; opkg install [package/s] what you need... at least for this router that has plenty space for more common small packages...
Hey guys, I'm planning on buying this router (TL-WR842N v3.1, just in case), as it suffices my needs, and I'd like to know if I can just flash @obsy 's OpenWRT + LuCI build over the stock TP-Link web GUI, without the need of a serial connection, or anything like that.
Is it stable enough for daily use? Netflix, gaming, p2p, and shit, mostly. I'm looking forward to use LuCI-SQM package, as I really need to minimize bufferbloat.
I can't link stuff, but I'm planning on flashing this .bin file
(Last edited by Beo1r on 26 Jun 2017, 23:21)
Yes, it works very stable... I've been using it for several months, no problems at all.
Yes, it works very stable... I've been using it for several months, no problems at all.
Thanks for you reply, braian! I finally got my hands on it, I flashed LEDE and, as you said, it works like a charm .
braian87b wrote:Yes, it works very stable... I've been using it for several months, no problems at all.
Thanks for you reply, braian! I finally got my hands on it, I flashed LEDE and, as you said, it works like a charm
Glad to hear it!
I have a TP-Link TL-WR841N(US) with v11.1.
I tried to put OpenWRT on it, but since it's version 11, I could only use trunk. I tried to use opkg to install LuCI, but there isn't enough flash space (only 4GB). I ended up putting it back on factory firmware.
Will I have a better experience with the WR842N instead?
I am currently using the following.
Firmware Version:
3.16.9 Build 150921 Rel.47886n
Hardware Version:
WR842N v3 00000000
I appreciate the work people invested creating and maintaining this software and collecting information on this particular device in the wiki at (google: OpenWrt tl-wr842nd , then navigate to tl-wr842n_eu_hw_ver_31, which is corresponding to the EU/v3 hardware)
It seems like there are known working images and I would like to compile some myself based on the current updated sources.
Starting with the general build instructions from the wiki, what are the device specifics that have to be put in place in order to achieve a usable image for the TL-WR842N v3* series?
Any help will be appreciated. I am willing to collect the device specific build information in the wiki once I succeeded.
Will I have a better experience with the WR842N instead?
Yes you will.
It seems like there are known working images and I would like to compile some myself based on the current updated sources.
Any help will be appreciated. I am willing to collect the device specific build information in the wiki once I succeeded.
You probably will get better luck on LEDE Forums at many developers and users are moving forward to LEDE, they had chatting about merging some missing OpenWRT into LEDE too.
The discussion might have continued from here.