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Topic: Cannot access

The content of this topic has been archived between 30 Mar 2018 and 25 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hello,to start off I am a total newbie for flashing this kind of firmware, but I did flash my Archer C20 router with OpenWRT and now I cannot access to access the UI for configuring, instead it shows me this page. Actually, seems like I cannot link IMGUR link, so I will say what text it shows to me: blank page with text :
Index of /

modified: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:08 GMT
directory - 0.00 kbyte

I installed it properly with TFTP server , and I know I have it installed , because I cannot access my TP-Link UI .Any help? I could move this conversation to discord, or direct VOIP for faster communication, if anyone is interested to help me.

(Last edited by krdeksnis on 1 Nov 2017, 13:39)

I think you need to install luci...connect through ssh (your archer must connected to internet for install luci)

How can I install Luci? I am connected to internet, as I am typing this right now. What do you mean by connect through ssh?

Download putty
Connect through terminal (insert ip in first page and connect)
When you is in the terminal verify if it is able to ping google
After do
-opkg update
-opkg install luci

(Last edited by Squalo on 1 Nov 2017, 13:51)

What ip address should I put in? My current Ip address in cmd ipconfig?

krdeksnis wrote:

What ip address should I put in? My current Ip address in cmd ipconfig?

Default ip is (as you type in title)

Now it asks in black cmd window :Login as: and what should I put in there?

Also it says access denied when I try to hit enter, and I don't know the password for

It ask you for login?
So the user name is: root
Password is empty by default

Now I put in command opkg update and when trying to download update , it comes out with a loot of errors, and says : Signature check failed. Failed to establish connection, although my internet is working perfectly so far.

Oh I have not done the system upgrade thing/flashed it to my router. Is that related? should I flash the upgrade using tftp first, then try to use putty?

krdeksnis wrote:

Oh I have not done the system upgrade thing/flashed it to my router. Is that related? should I flash the upgrade using tftp first, then try to use putty?

Why do you use tftp for flash? What firmware did you install? did you install the latest version?
I think your router is an archer c20i v1 it's right?
This is latest firmware … actory.bin

This is solution for signature check failed

Open /etc/opkg.conf
delete the line that reads option check_signature 1
Try opkg update again and the problem should be fixed.

If you want i can use Teamviewer!

(Last edited by Squalo on 1 Nov 2017, 14:18)

It's not Archer c20i, it's c20, since I cannot post link, I will tell what I do. Search archer c20 openwrt on google and open first link. I flashed the first version ''firmware open wrt install url'' or the TFTP method's url, they are the same. I ask if I need to use the 2nd link after that , which is upgrade or no?

krdeksnis wrote:

It's not Archer c20i, it's c20, since I cannot post link, I will tell what I do. Search archer c20 openwrt on google and open first link. I flashed the first version ''firmware open wrt install url'' or the TFTP method's url, they are the same. I ask if I need to use the 2nd link after that , which is upgrade or no?

And so the latest version is … actory.bin

(Last edited by Squalo on 1 Nov 2017, 14:20)

How do I flash it? same as I did with my default? Using tftpd64 by Ph. Jounin program? Or using putty?

Sorry, for all the trouble, you are a big help, I don't know what I could do without you.

krdeksnis wrote:

How do I flash it? same as I did with my default? Using tftpd64 by Ph. Jounin program? Or using putty?

I suggest you go back to the original firmware
After you can install this

Through original firmware as an upgrade firmware!

So I shouldn't have installed the original version but that one? How can I go back to orginal firmware then?

I just  reinstall my archer c20 link I get from official archer page and that's it? OpenWRT is uninstalled automatically?

krdeksnis wrote:

So I shouldn't have installed the original version but that one? How can I go back to orginal firmware then?

Openwrt is old! Now there is LEDE!

Do that in terminal for directly system upgrade

cd /tmp
sysupgrade -v /tmp/lede-ramips-mt7620-ArcherC20-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin

(Last edited by Squalo on 1 Nov 2017, 14:31)

How can I un-flash or uninstall OpenWRT then?

Oh okay, I have to type it all manually by myself, since I cannot copy paste into putty though sad

krdeksnis wrote:

Oh okay, I have to type it all manually by myself, since I cannot copy paste into putty though sad

Why?...copy paste work correctly in putty: you only need to copy from forum and click right mouse button in terminal

(Last edited by Squalo on 1 Nov 2017, 14:34)

SSL support not available, please install ustream-ssl
root@OpenWrt:/tmp# sysupgrade -v /tmp/lede-ramips-mt7620-ArcherC20-squashfs-sysu
now it says this one

When I copy pasted your whole message it says that one