OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Cannot access

The content of this topic has been archived between 30 Mar 2018 and 25 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

krdeksnis wrote:

When I copy pasted your whole message it says that one

can we use teamviewer? for fast?
this firmware is very complex to use! didn't you think to use dd-wrt or tomato? Why you need to install openwrt?

(Last edited by Squalo on 1 Nov 2017, 14:37)

root@OpenWrt:~# cd /tmp
root@OpenWrt:/tmp# wget … argets/ram
wget: SSL support not available, please install ustream-ssl
root@OpenWrt:/tmp# sysupgrade -v /tmp/lede-ramips-mt7620-ArcherC20-squashfs-sysu
this is the whole message

Sure I can, I will download it then we can do it. tell me your details

Ok and so you need to solve signature check failed, do an opkg update and install ustream-ssl

krdeksnis wrote:

Sure I can, I will download it then we can do it. tell me your details

You need to send me your details big_smile Not me! Send your id and password in a private message!

I have teamviewer now, tell me your details

Teamviewer ID 250327994 Password 2124

now i'm not connected...your archer isn't connected to internet! It work as a switch! please reset ip that i changed!

Ok new details

krdeksnis wrote:

250 327 994 password 3546

Now i have a much connection! I need to wait some minutes! sad

(Last edited by Squalo on 1 Nov 2017, 15:01)

Meanwhile, how can I uninstall openwrt now?

krdeksnis wrote:

Meanwhile, how can I uninstall openwrt now?

try to write

uci set network.lan.ipaddr=
uci set network.lan.gateway=
uci set network.lan.dns=
uci commit
/etc/init.d/network restart

opkg update
opkg install luci

And see if luci are installed

Squalo wrote:

Ok and so you need to solve signature check failed, do an opkg update and install ustream-ssl

It is not needed to install ustream-ssl.
Just change the download URL from https:// ==> http://

tmo26 wrote:
Squalo wrote:

Ok and so you need to solve signature check failed, do an opkg update and install ustream-ssl

It is not needed to install ustream-ssl.
Just change the download URL from https:// ==> http://

Good! We solved!

The discussion might have continued from here.