I got it and finally I've a full working configuration with the last 12.09 beta image from repo, so I'm happy to share my experience.
That's the image I'm talking about :
http://downloads.openwrt.org/attitude_a … shfs.image
First I tried to build an image myself but It was not really stable and everytime I had to add a mod kernel package my router suddendly crashed. Got it bricked few times but I was able to debrick with failsafe and tftp.
Just few info about the 12.09 image :
No luci, nothing that will help you, it's a very basic image.
Do not expect to be connected very shortly, you will need another internet connection to get infos and packages.
Same old bug as described on the wiki :
Wired stations cannot ping each other
Do not change conf in /etc/config/network with switch configuration.
If you do that you won't be able to reach the router anymore.
I did it and I had to enter in failsafe mode.
Fix it with :
swconfig dev eth0 vlan 1 set ports "0 1 2 3 4 5"
swconfig dev eth0 set apply
Add a line on /etc/rc.local to make it permanent.
It's compiled with Annex B modulation so if your dsl is A you'll have to remove annexb mod package and install A.
Remove kmod-ltq-dsl-firmware-b-ar9 and install kmod-ltq-dsl-firmware-a-ar9
After that , there's a bug in annex selection on the init script, first change according on /etc/config/network
Mine as an example :
config adsl-device 'adsl'
option fwannex 'a'
option annex 'a2p'
Then you'll have to adjust /etc/init.d/dsl_control on line 301
Force it to load your firmware with -f /lib/firmware/dsl-fw-a.bin
Restart the service and make sure your firmware is loaded correctly :
andrea@router-wrt:~$ ps | grep dsl
1788 root 7408 S /sbin/dsl_cpe_control -i00_00_00_00_00_01_00_00 -n /sbin/dsl_notify.sh -f /lib/firmware/dsl-fw-a.bin
4543 andrea 1492 S grep dsl
Make sure /etc/init.d/br2684ctl is enabled, it's disabled by default (why!?!?)
Apart from that once you're connected you can install all the pkgs you need and tail the installation for you.
Few tips :
Crontab a backup, I'll give u mine as another example :
## generate package installed
opkg list-installed > /etc/package.installed
# mount nas
mount /nas
if test -e $file; then echo "file exist, removing";sleep 2;yes | rm $file;fi
/usr/bin/tar czvf $file --exclude "/lib/modules" /etc /lib /home /root
umount /nas
Led configuration :
config led
option name 'power'
option sysfs 'soc:red:power'
option default '1'
option trigger 'default-on'
config led
option sysfs 'soc:green:internet'
option trigger 'netdev'
option dev 'pppoe-wan'
option default '1'
option name 'wan-connected'
option mode 'link'
config led
option default '0'
option sysfs 'soc:green:adsl'
option trigger 'netdev'
option dev 'pppoe-wan'
option mode 'link'
option name 'adsl'
config led
option default '1'
option sysfs 'soc:red:security'
option name 'vpn'
option trigger 'netdev'
option dev 'tap0'
option mode 'link tx rx'
config led
option default '1'
option sysfs 'soc:green:wlan'
option name 'wlan'
option trigger 'netdev'
option dev 'wlan0'
option mode 'link tx rx'
Do you want to save the environment?
Do you really need all those fancy leds when you're not home?! 
I have another crontab script that check if an ip is connected and switch off the lights if it's not reachable.
*/5 * * * * /root/bin/checkled >/dev/null 2>&1
client =
ping -c1 $client >/dev/null
if [ $rc -eq 0 ]
ledstatus=`cat /sys/class/leds/soc\:red\:power/brightness`
# echo "status $ledstatus"
if [ ! $ledstatus -eq 255 ]
/etc/init.d/led start >/dev/null
for i in /sys/class/leds/* ; do echo 0 > "$i"/brightness ; done
That's all folks 
I hope this will be useful to someone else.
(Last edited by agarbato on 2 Dec 2012, 13:30)