I'm measuring 26 Mbps through OpenVPN with 800MHz oc and no odhcpd, MIPS16 turned off. Pretty decent for a 4 year old router.
Topic: Optimized and feature rich trunk build for select routers
The content of this topic has been archived between 20 Aug 2014 and 5 May 2018. Unfortunately there are posts – most likely complete pages – missing.
Sorry, posts 252 to 250 are missing from our archive.
Yes, it's because dnsmasq resolves all ad hosts to this new address and uhttpd listens there on port 80 serving the transparent gif.
Hello, i have some trouble with the UPnP service, i'm on r41353 (there is no upnp file in /var) how can i know if i messed up something or if it's an UPnP problem from the build i'm using ?
Look at the changelog on page 1, it's fixed in r41432.
I have a WNDR 3700v1. Hi I have been using your build for a while and I am now have an issue with your 41663 build, probably user error, but I have been trying for over 4 hours to fix. My ip addresses are all on 192.168.2.x. I cannot change the router default ip to, once I do I am no longer able to access using luci interface - says cannot be reached (I can ping the router, have internet access on all machines). I have tried changing the ip in LAN, WAN, Alias one at a time and then all together. I was able to get back access by copying the config folder from a previous older backup into your newest build. What could I be doing wrong?
Thats because uhttpd is explicitely bound to in this build, you need to change /etc/config/uhttpd as well.
Is there a way in Luci? I am not sure how to change that - using command line? Edit files using text editor? Thank you for your response very much! I see I can open the utthd file in a text editor. Do I just change the top 2 lines to the ip I need?
(Last edited by rmmcwh13 on 16 Jul 2014, 21:28)
uci set uhttpd.main.listen_http= && uci commit && /etc/init.d/uhttpd restart
(Last edited by arokh on 16 Jul 2014, 21:30)
Thank you!
Will try!
On another topic: Is there a way to import a bunch of static ips, or do I have to type them all in again 1 by 1 (I have over 30 - idevices, windows devices, tv, etc).
Again thank you very, very much!
There is a way to do anything, read up on sed/grep/cut/awk and UCI config
A new static key is generated every time you flash cleanly so you need to copy the client config again.
Hi mate - See your change log is a couple of versions out on the first page... is this maintained somewhere else that's up to date, or have you just not had time to update yet? Quite like to see what changes have been made before doing upgrades
Hi mate - See your change log is a couple of versions out on the first page... is this maintained somewhere else that's up to date, or have you just not had time to update yet? Quite like to see what changes have been made before doing upgrades
The newer builds you see are just rebuilds, with no changes (except the trunk changes)
(Last edited by bmccoy11 on 18 Jul 2014, 06:22)
Yeah, no changes Look at the svn log to see changes in trunk.
any plans to go to RC1 openwrt?
This is a trunk build, it's past RC1 already.
Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me. I have a problem regarding DDNS updates. I have Hughesnet Gen4 for ISP. They do not offer public IPv4 addresses, everything goes through their NAT. They do have native IPv6 though. I have an DDNS account at dnsexit.com.
I don't think the /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh script is handling IPv6 correctly. In /etc/config/ddns I have the following selections; option ip_source 'network', option ip_network 'wan6'.
When I run the script manually, no IP address is dispalyed as the script runs. dnsexit.com, if it does not receive an address, uses the address reported to it by http, which in my case turns out to be the IPv4 address of the NAT. If I select 'wan' instead of 'wan6', the script will display and send the IPv4 address, yet again its changed by the ISP NAT.
I don't know how to write scripts and I'm not very good at reading them. Could someone tell me specifically what I need to do, to have the script send my current public IPv6 (2001:) address?
I don't think ddns-scripts support IPv6 at all.
Thanks for this awesome firmware! I fiddled around with OpenVPN in the past but never could it get to work like I wanted it to, now it does. Going on vacation to the US soon, so using open hotspots finally will be safe.
One request which I would understand if you won't do, could you add NFS support in the base FW? That would be very nice and since it takes a bit more packets to install than Samba (that one is just one packet) it would really make things easier when upgrading and a clean installation is needed.
(Last edited by johan81 on 22 Jul 2014, 07:48)
Thanks so much for making this build available, I have a wndr3700v4 and used your build as my first experience of OpenWrt
I haven't played with third party router firmware for years, and can see I'm going to enjoy tinkering with this!
I've added unfs3 to r41778, it's a pretty slim user space NFS server and should export /mnt out of the box. Let me know how it works.
Guess you noticed the v4 build in the download dir then I was thinking to get a v4 or wndr4300 myself as they are quite cheap. Anyway, give it a shot it's optimized for that CPU as well.
I've added unfs3 to r41778, it's a pretty slim user space NFS server and should export /mnt out of the box. Let me know how it works.
Guess you noticed the v4 build in the download dir then I was thinking to get a v4 or wndr4300 myself as they are quite cheap. Anyway, give it a shot it's optimized for that CPU as well.
Thanks for that, though when I installed unfs by itself it didn't work, I needed these packages (a few are already in your FW, but most of the nfs packages are not):
If those are too big then just let it be, but if you could add them I would be grateful.
On another note, when I was trying to disable ad blocking by using the # int DHCP config file it didn't seem to disable it, still getting the 1x1 thingy even after a reboot of the router, computer and a dns flush. I also tried removing the block host file to no avail.
No, you do not need those packages the creator of that wiki page is confused he is listing both kernel and userspace nfs servers as requirements. unfs3 and it's dependencies are included in the latest build as mentioned and will start automatically. I'll probably remove the init scripts and create a hotplug script to start NFS on block mount instead to avoid exporting /mnt if there's no disks attached.
If you commented out addnhosts then no ad hosts will resolve to You must have done something wrong Post your /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.
(Last edited by arokh on 22 Jul 2014, 12:04)
No, you do not need those packages the creator of that wiki page is confused he is listing both kernel and userspace nfs servers as requirements. unfs3 and it's dependencies are included in the latest build as mentioned and will start automatically. I'll probably remove the init scripts and create a hotplug script to start NFS on block mount instead to avoid exporting /mnt if there's no disks attached.
If you commented out addnhosts then no ad hosts will resolve to You must have done something wrong Post your /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.
Thanks for clearing up the nfs installation and what is needed.
This is my /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf:
# auto-generated config file from /etc/config/dhcp
Though /tmp/hosts does not exist.
Your dnsmasq.conf is correct and if there is any adblocking it must be done by your client or is cached somehow. The ad hosts are in /etc/hosts.block which is not included in your dnsmasq.conf.
Your dnsmasq.conf is correct and if there is any adblocking it must be done by your client or is cached somehow. The ad hosts are in /etc/hosts.block which is not included in your dnsmasq.conf.
Thanks for your prompt replies, strange, I defintely rebooted and cleared dns cache, no clue why this still happens...
Will see if there is a difference on my Android Phone through my mobile provider.
Ahhh, one thing I forgot to clear lol, the cache of my Chrome browser, now it works, sorry!
(Last edited by johan81 on 22 Jul 2014, 13:12)
Sorry, posts 276 to 275 are missing from our archive.