Topic: Kingston Mobilelite G2 (MLWG2)
The content of this topic has been archived between 18 Apr 2018 and 6 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
I 'm good buy United Nations function it had in 15.05 sambas and shairport comment sauvegardr To share it?
I bought one of these devices to try and transfer files to / from an iDevice, it isn't much good for that so I decided to make it more usable and I put openwrt on it, of course when I rebooted it, it wouldn't come back on.
I bought an adapter and revived it but the GUI of openwrt doesn't look the same, it's ... plain for lack of a better word, and difficult to configure, I updated it to 15.05 in the hopes the GUI would be updated too, nope.
So is there a better GUI available, and how do I install it and use it?
openwrt doesn't look the same, it's ...plain for lack of a better word, and difficult to configure, I updated it to 15.05 in the hopes the GUI would be updated too, nope.
So is there a better GUI available, and how do I install it and use it?
OpenWrt and difficult to configure...
Yes so I've heard...
However I can NOT think of any way to offer the power and flexibility of OpenWrt AND be easy to configure.
When I restart the unit in a way I could never turn off wireless connection and did not enter into? The wait in these devices unusable.
What is your suggestion.
Thank you.
OpenWrt and difficult to configure...
Yes so I've heard...
However I can NOT think of any way to offer the power and flexibility of OpenWrt AND be easy to configure.
Like I first stated, originally when I put it on, the GUI was different than it is since recovering the device, all I was asking was if / how I could get a better web based GUI.
if someone wants to shutdown this device via SW do this
cd /sys/class/gpio/
echo 40 > export
echo out > gpio40/direction
echo 1 > gpio40/value
if someone wants to shutdown this device via SW do this
cd /sys/class/gpio/ echo 40 > export echo out > gpio40/direction echo 1 > gpio40/value
Hi! I can't connect to the device via telnet. Telnet can't open connection with host on port 23. I've flashed opewrt firmare some months ago, then revert back to stock I have to change something to connect? thenks a lot!
Solved with serial interface!
(Last edited by rubino25 on 5 Dec 2015, 22:01)
ldpinney wrote:Test your reset button :
with OpenWrt running push the reset for a few seconds and should reboot (reset)
My reset button is physically fine.
Looks like the reset button on the MLWG2 isn't connected to anything. It doesn't reset the device after holding it for a few seconds.
I tried the instructions from the hardware button wiki - - to identify it.
The first step is to find out the internal name of the button you want to use: some images use generic names such as BTN_1, BTN_2, others have more specific ones like reset, wps, etc. Run the following: # mkdir -p /etc/hotplug.d/button Create the file /etc/hotplug.d/button/buttons with your favorite text editor, paste the following: #!/bin/sh logger the button was $BUTTON and the action was $ACTION Save and exit. Now press the button you want to use, then run logread. Jan 1 00:01:15 OpenWrt user.notice root: BTN_1 Jan 1 00:01:15 OpenWrt user.notice root: pressed Jan 1 00:01:16 OpenWrt user.notice root: BTN_1 Jan 1 00:01:16 OpenWrt user.notice root: released
Didn't see anything log with logread.
Let me know if I can help somehow with getting this fixed.
I have exactly the same problem. It seems that none of following scripts was executed when I was pressing the power or reset button.
Also, there is no /dev/input/ on my device, so I can't capture the button trigger event using triggerhappy according to this wiki:
Install the triggerhappy package and the kmod-hid kernel module
list your available buttons:thd --dump /dev/input/event*
I've tested both the firmware from ( … authuser=0 ) and OpenWrt Chaos Calmer 15.05 / LuCI (git-15.248.30277-3836b45) downloaded from … pgrade.bin
Do I need to upgrade my firmware to the trunk snapshot?
Is there any tips on how to locate the reason for this?
If anyone could post a patch on this, I would be happy to compile the openwrt to test for that, thx!
(Last edited by cherrot on 14 Dec 2015, 11:02)
Hi, I downloaded from main page from gdrive, i.e. "openwrt-ramips-mt7620n-mlwg2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin", I put it on usb and installed via telnet both KernelA-B as written in the txt file. It boot once I was able to change settings inside LUCI (static IP for LAN and WIFI). After I was in the same stage as blackysky. Only Internet led blue and battery green and the leds is almost on without flashing after I press power button (seems openwrt is not booting at all). Before flashing the openwrt I did original firmware upgrade maybe two times. Now wifi is off and I can not connect to the lan port. Could you please help me, what to do?. thx
For all guys who got problems after flashing openwrt over updated original firmware.
In first of all, sorry for my poor english
If you have installed openwrt after updating original firmware, you probably woudn't be able to get an access to your router via ethernet or wifi, because it's not starting properly anymore. But you can fix it, because you still have a well working bootloader and probably working openwrt firmware.
I just have debricked my MLWG2 after the same actions and the same problem. The point is only in changing one of the bootloader variables - "bootstate" from 2 to 0. Here is common instructions:
1) Get USB-TTL 3.3V serial cable or adapter, solder RxD, TxD and GND to contacts on MLWG2. On the main MLWG2 page of openwrt wiki you can find photos and description. Also read wiki about serial cables: … al.cables. I've used old Sony-Ericsson phone cable with converter.
2) Get PuTTy.exe, it's a serial terminal program. Set connection parameters to: speed - 57600, serial line - COM(your number of USB-TTL COM port, look in device manager). Open the connection.
3) Turn on MLWG2. If you have no messages, switch RxD and TxD. You must get some service information from bootloader, later this prompt and short 1-sec delay:
Please choose the operation:
1: Load system code to SDRAM via TFTP.
2: Load system code then write to Flash via TFTP.
3: Boot system code via Flash (default).
4: Entr boot command line interface.
7: Load Boot Loader code then write to Flash via Serial.
9: Load Boot Loader code then write to Flash via TFTP.
you shoud press 4. By the fact, you can press 4 in the time you'll see something on the screen. If you missed the moment, turn off\on and do it again.
4) In a case of success, you'll get this commandline prompt:
You choosed 4
raspi_read: from:40028 len:6
4: System Enter Boot Command Line Interface.
U-Boot 1.1.3 (Dec 30 2013 - 10:32:24)
MT7620 #
5) Here you can change bootstate=2 to 0. Type this:
setenv bootstate=0
This commands means: setenv variable_name=x - "set variable to" , bootstate - variable that controls bootloading from first or second half of a memory(if I have understand it correctly), saveenv - "saving all the variables to memory".
This is all, should work. Type "reset".
P.S. After all, I found a post of HLK, who wrote basically the same but not so clear for me on the moment of bricking my MLWG2, so I lost this post between other posts (his instructions weren't detailed).
P.P.S. If you don't have a USB-TTL 3.3v cable, according openwrt wiki in most cases you can use any other router with openwrt installed (directly openwrt router -> MLWG2, without PC).
(Last edited by cdqube on 5 Jan 2016, 09:25)
NTFS support isn't working on Barrier breaker, at least I coudn't manage it - when I've attempted to install ntfs-3g, I got an error message. On Chaos calmer firmware everything is working.
(Last edited by cdqube on 5 Jan 2016, 09:06)
BUTTONS (Power and Reset Events)
I have successfully used d.wonderful's code on a GLI AR150 with a button event to clear the STAtion. This way it only clears the STAtion when needed as opposed to every boot. (Thank you for this "wonderful" code!) … 30#p278230
I do not have one of these as yet, so I am not clear if one can attach button events to the Power button, as opposed to the reset button (through a tiny little hole). The manual … tGuide.pdf (Page 6, item f) indicates that holding the button for different amounts of time directs events on the stock firmware. Not sure if the button is configured in OpenWrt.
Can anyone please confirm what it does and when in OpenWrt in this firmware? I assume the file is etc/rc.button/power. Also confirm please the reset is functional, and what it does and when.
(Last edited by RangerZ on 12 Jan 2016, 15:18)
I haven't dared to flash the openwrt on this yet as it is brand new, I may in time however, using the factory software has anyone worked out how to lock the settings? also how many wifi connections can you have?
on my linksys piratebox I can get 30....
when I've attempted to install ntfs-3g, I got an error message.
Error messages are there for a reason. If you want help, post the error messages, otherwise nobody can help you.
blackysky wrote:HLK wrote:When it does not you disabled the wifi somehow.
Does any of the led indicates something?Also in doubt here, that first boot i have deleted ad-hook connection i created by mistake.
Now i have light blue (internet) and green. No wifi, and can't connect via cable also, i assign to PC the static IP - 100,111,1, no luck. Any idea please ?I hate to open cover, it always break something and getting crap...
You can not connect via cable because it is the WAN interface. It will block anything from outside.
There was a failsafe mode by pressing a button. Never used it and someone told me that the button does not work correctly.I hate to open cover too. But I do not see an alternative.
By the way:
I build myself an image with an update check at start which searchs for an sd image update. Maybe I will publish the init script in the next days when someone wants to use it.
Could you please provide the link to the image which searches for sd card image? Or could you at least tell me to reset the device using power button? By the way I changed the ethernet port seeting to dhcp client ( to connect to my modem and download packages) and installed samba and ntfs-3g. After that I could not access the LuCI via WiFi and ethernet. Later I reset the device using USB2TTL adapter. But now I cannot close the device since jumper wires are blocking the top cover. Can someone tell me how to reset the device without soldering the wires every time?
Thanks in advance.
(Last edited by vysakhp on 24 Jan 2016, 07:37)
Can anyone please tell me how to mount the SD card? I installed some packages related to gpio and mmc. After rebooting I tried to mount /dev/sda1 under /mnt/sda1(which I created earlier). It didn't work. Should I try out the steps mentioned in ?
I have just received a new MLGW2. I plan to flash it directly to OpenWrt.
It appears there is some missing information on GPIOs, leds, button and switches. Once I telnet to the device, and before loading OpenWrt, is there any information I can query that will help identify this information?
Please use normal the normal usb driver
with this I found the poweroff GPIO
cdqube wrote:when I've attempted to install ntfs-3g, I got an error message.
Error messages are there for a reason. If you want help, post the error messages, otherwise nobody can help you.
Yeah, for a reason... I don't remember exactly the message, but the point was "wrong version of the packet" or something like that. I've found somewhere here that Barrier Breaker doesn't support NTFS, so that was the reason. For now I don't neet a help, it's not a question but an answer: if you want NTFS support, install Chaos Calmer... I haven't tried to use samba + ntfs on Chaos Calmer yet, but at least there's no messages about compability issues during installation of the ntfs drivers.
@electroman - Is this what you are referring to in post 107? (GPIO40)
Way out of my skill set, but is this the power button?
Ideally looking to configure an action for a long press (10-15 seconds)
The manual for the factory firmware kind of indicates that this comes configured with a short and long press (Page 4, item F)
I am not clear what I should be able to do with the MLWG2 before installing OpenWrt. I have NOT plugged in the USB device, but powered on the device and tried to connect.
I expected that I could set an IP on my laptop, plug in the LAN cable and telnet to the router. Seems the LAN is not functional.
I can connect to the MLWG2 via wireless (it's unsecured), but get a network error:Connection refused message trying to connect(Using Putty on Windows 7). I can open a browser at and get a Kingston config page.
Am I missing something?
Please use normal the normal usb driver@RangerZ
with this I found the poweroff GPIO
Thank you for replying. Could you please mention packages I have to install?
From my notes installing my USB. Items with (1) are core USB and required for any USB device. Items with (2) are for file storage. You may not want all the file systems or possibly some not listed. I never got NTFS to work and use FAT32 and EXT4. Items with (3) are for Samba.
USB Packages
(1)kmod-usb-ohci (UHCI or OHCI depending on system)
File Systems
(2)kmod-fs-ext4 Ext file systems
(2)kmod-fs-msdos FAT => Test witout this
(2)kmod-fs-vfat FAT
(2)kmod-fs-ntfs NTFS => Test witout this
(2)ntfs-3g NTFS
Dependencies will be installed
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