Thank you for listing out the packages. I have already installed all these packages but my sd card(formatted in Android) does not mount even after issuing the mount command manually.
Topic: Kingston Mobilelite G2 (MLWG2)
The content of this topic has been archived between 18 Apr 2018 and 6 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
I am not clear what I should be able to do with the MLWG2 before installing OpenWrt. I have NOT plugged in the USB device, but powered on the device and tried to connect.
I expected that I could set an IP on my laptop, plug in the LAN cable and telnet to the router. Seems the LAN is not functional.
I can connect to the MLWG2 via wireless (it's unsecured), but get a network error:Connection refused message trying to connect(Using Putty on Windows 7). I can open a browser at and get a Kingston config page.Am I missing something?
telnetd is disabled by default in the original firmware.
The instructions to install indicate that it needs a filename called 'mlwG2_v;telnetd; .x.x.bin' need to be in the root of a usb drive plugged into the device. Reading the filename, it reads like it tells the firmware to start the telnetd daemon which enables the telnet access to
(Last edited by audyssey on 3 Feb 2016, 13:20)
@audyssey, thanks for the followup.
It was not clear, at least to me, from the readme what the file does. It also is not stated in this thread how to format the device or the parameters for connecting via SSH\putty. I now know FAT32 is the format and the default 9600,8,1,none works.
I did get the device running with OpenWrt, but the lack of clarity on these items, coupled with the number of issues in the thread, made the trivial exercise nerve racking.
I was surprised to find that, unlike other similar devices I have used, there was no WWAN side configured.
I am still looking for any info on what the power and reset should be able to do or how to configure them. It's not clear to me from this thread that these are actually implemented in the build. I will not have time to play with this until at least the weekend.
Do you know if I can reload the "openwrt-ramips-mt7620n-mlwg2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin" file included in the zip to go back to BB 14.07. Not sure if this is special in some way. I pretty much went right to 15.05, and now think I want to poke around a bit for the USB and media card config.
Hi guys,
some news about the buttons, only reset
this is on gpio41 and active 'low'
cd /sys/class/gpio
echo 41 > export
while true; do cat gpio41/value ; done
Kingston has just released an updated version of the device, now called the MLWG3. It's a little fatter and shorter, and available for $91 USD. There is a PRO version also being introduced with an on board 64GB of storage. Price not posted.
http://www.kingston.com/us/wireless/wir … ders#mlwg3
The MLWG2 is available for $30.99 direct from Kingston. Orders over $25 ship free.
Edit 16-02-01
Looks like the MLWG3 is 52.96 and the MLWG3/PRO is 99.99 at amazon
http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-MobileLi … e+Wireless
http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-Digital- … e+Wireless
FCC Application is here, but reveals nothing currently.
Press release
(Last edited by RangerZ on 6 Feb 2016, 22:19)
I did get the device running with OpenWrt, but the lack of clarity on these items, coupled with the number of issues in the thread, made the trivial exercise nerve racking.
Agreed. I purchased the device and am reading the thread a few times to make sure the installation process well understood. I haven't made the change yet, but I like to triple check before I proceed.
Do you know if I can reload the "openwrt-ramips-mt7620n-mlwg2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin" file included in the zip to go back to BB 14.07. Not sure if this is special in some way. I pretty much went right to 15.05, and now think I want to poke around a bit for the USB and media card config.
I checked in: https://downloads.openwrt.org/barrier_b … s/mt7620n/
But there doesn't appear to be a mlwg2 build for BB 14.07, so it isn't immediately available. Might be able to build if you tried although I'm not sure the need to go back to BB.
Kingston has just released an updated version of the device, now called the MLWG3. It's a little fatter and shorter, and available for $91 USD. There is a PRO version also being introduced with an on board 64GB of storage. Price not posted.
They both are available on Amazon.com.
$49 for the MLWG3 available 2/1 (now): http://amzn.com/B019H57DDU
$99 for the MLWG2/64 (PRO) available 2/15 (pre-order): http://amzn.com/B019H57GQO
I'm interested to see:
Wireless Network Interface 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n & 5GHz 802.11ac
2 network interfaces makes this ideal for me to have one configured as an Access Point and the other as a Wireless Client. This could eliminate the need or D.wonderful's script to remove the STA config.
@audyssey. I actually missed the dual band in the spec, that's big as far as the radio issue goes.
The exercise was trivial, now knowing what I know. The only real thing you need to know that is not there is how to format the device (FAT32). Also not clear is that once you power on the device is that you connect by the wireless, not Ethernet. After you enter the first string, just wait for the prompt. After the second I think it rebooted, but you will see a notification that the connection is lost.
(none) login: admin
BusyBox v1.12.1 (2014-09-18 09:46:08 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
# mtd_write write /media/USB1/openwrt-ramips-mt7620n-mlwg2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin KernelA
Unlocking KernelA ...
Writing from /media/USB1/openwrt-ramips-mt7620n-mlwg2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin to KernelA ... [w]
# mtd_write -r write /media/USB1/openwrt-ramips-mt7620n-mlwg2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin KernelB
Unlocking KernelB ...
Writing from /media/USB1/openwrt-ramips-mt7620n-mlwg2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin to KernelB ... [e]
The little 0 byte file is the piece that gets you into the shell. Before running the two commands to install OpenWrt you can query the existing OS if you like. Probably worth capturing dmesg and compare to wiki.
Regarding BB, that is what you are installing from ldpinney zip file. What I am not clear on is if I can reload it. I just upgraded from the GUI directly to 15.05, but probably should have poked around a bit. I know there are mount points included in the BB and they are not in CC. When you upgrade, can you please save a list of the packages installed in the delivered file from the zip. I just copy and paste the System=> Software tab to a text file.
I have been using the d.wonderful code on another device with a button action, and it's great. The lack of button control is a problem (not a big one but...) most of the time I end up in the same place, and as written in the code always requires making a new connection. Using the button action I can keep the last AP(STAtion) and reset on demand. Unfortunately not an option for this device.
I am now testing this code https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=43352. As written it does not address the missing WWAN, but I have made some changes that seem to cover this. I am testing and need a few days to pull it together. This code is big in my mind, as it will auto config the WWAN side from a defined list of AP(STAtions)
Did anyone succeeded triggering failsafe on G2?
I failed the configuration and now I'm left with Ethernet port as WAN, WiFi turned off and http,https,ssh not accessible from WAN..
I tried to get it to work after installing last week, but did not succeed. I have learned a bit this week. The right hand led flashes solid for about 10 seconds after boot, and then blinks real fast for about the same, then a bit slower again for the same.
From this https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/generic.failsafe it sounds like the sweet spot is the first set of blinking LEDs. That said I could not get the /rc.button/reset to work, and as this is the same button, it probably does not either.
But please Press On
@audyssey I have posted the wifiMgr modified code here
http://www.gl-inet.com/forums/topic/wif … saved-aps/
I am running it on 2 devices, this and a GL-AR150
But please Press On
What do you mean by that?
To use On/Off button?
Sorry, my bad. Trying to make a joke. I meant keep trying.
No, I think it would be the reset.
Hi guys,
some news about the buttons, only resetthis is on gpio41 and active 'low'
cd /sys/class/gpio echo 41 > export while true; do cat gpio41/value ; done
First of all I would like to thank elektroman for finding out the details of reset button. Today I wrote a small script which restores the network and wireless configurations (you have make a backup before ). I think this will be helpful to other newbies(like me) to OpenWRT.
1. I always make a mess of network configuration. So I am just backing up the respective configuration files only.
cp /etc/config/network /etc/config/network.backup
cp /etc/config/wireless /etc/config/wireless.backup
2. Now we restore the backup when the reset button is pressed for five or more seconds. I made a script called "check_reset.sh" and saved it in /root directory. Please note that I am not an expert in Linux. So if you find any mistakes in my code please feel free to correct me. Enter the following code in any text editor of your choice. I chose vi. Here is my code.
echo 41 > /sys/class/gpio/export
while sleep 5;
if [ `cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio41/value` != "0" ]; then
#logger "No reset."
sleep 4
logger "Reset button pressed."
rm /etc/config/network
rm /etc/config/wireless
cp /etc/config/network.backup /etc/config/network
cp /etc/config/wireless.backup /etc/config/wireless
Please note that I saved the above code as "/root/check_reset.sh". Make the script executable by
chmod +x /root/check_reset.sh
3. Now edit /etc/rc.local(using any text editor) to run our script during boot or you can also edit the same file via "System" > Startup" page in LuCI interface.
#All those lines which we simply ignore.
#More bla bla bla
/root/check_reset.sh & #This is the only line we are adding. Make sure you add the "&" after the path.
exit 0 #You don't have to add this line as it is already present.
If you are using LuCI interface do not forget to click "Save and Apply". That's all folks...
(Last edited by vysakhp on 7 Feb 2016, 15:27)
I have some question :
With the stock firmware, is it possible to shutdown with a short push on the power button ?? Not the longer one (1-2 sec)
And the other thing I remember some "percentage" shown in the webinterface
If I recall correctly, in stock the short press turns on charging of attached devices, and the long press (like under OpentWrt) turns the device on.
I wish it were a shorter press.
The "percentage" does not ring a bell, but I only looked at the web interface one time before flashing.
Could you please provide the link to the image which searches for sd card image? Or could you at least tell me to reset the device using power button? By the way I changed the ethernet port seeting to dhcp client ( to connect to my modem and download packages) and installed samba and ntfs-3g. After that I could not access the LuCI via WiFi and ethernet. Later I reset the device using USB2TTL adapter. But now I cannot close the device since jumper wires are blocking the top cover. Can someone tell me how to reset the device without soldering the wires every time?Thanks in advance.
I have uploaded my scripts to Github.
Read the tutorial of making your own images and enable SD-Card support (with Fat32 or Ext4).
1. The script mounts the SD-Card and copy the whole config folder to /etc/config before wifi starts.
2. It searches for a file fhg_mlwg2_v1.0.bin and starts the update procedure.
3. It uses a second partition of the SD-Card as swap folder. To use it create a second partition on the SD-Card (1GB) as linux-swap
I do not have enough time to create a full image at the moment. Maybe later.
Kingston has just released an updated version of the device, now called the MLWG3. It's a little fatter and shorter, and available for $91 USD. There is a PRO version also being introduced with an on board 64GB of storage. Price not posted.http://www.kingston.com/datasheets/mlwg3_us.pdf
http://www.kingston.com/us/wireless/wir … ders#mlwg3The MLWG2 is available for $30.99 direct from Kingston. Orders over $25 ship free.
Edit 16-02-01
Looks like the MLWG3 is 52.96 and the MLWG3/PRO is 99.99 at amazon
http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-MobileLi … e+Wireless
http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-Digital- … e+WirelessFCC Application is here, but reveals nothing currently.
https://fccid.io/ZME-MLWG3Press release
Has someone already a G3 and can make pictures of the components?
(Last edited by HLK on 12 Feb 2016, 13:09)
@vysakhp, Did you ever solve the SD card?
@vysakhp, Did you ever solve the SD card?
Sorry for the delay. I was out of my town and couldn't access internet. @RangerZ, I managed to mount sd card manually after installing necessary codepages.
It is okay if you cannot build the image. As mentioned earlier, I have some how managed to restore /etc/config/network and /etc/config/wireless files. Thanks to elektroman for his help. Now I'm using sysupgrade to restore a tar.gz file using reset button.
(Last edited by vysakhp on 19 Feb 2016, 09:12)
My MLWG2 appears dead!
I have been running the unit continuously for a couple of weeks now, frequently with it connected to power.
Yesterday I ran it most of the day off power and then plugged it in overnight. This AM I noticed a number of error boxes for each of the 2 devices connected, but just figured Windows had some how failed the LAN, and closed them. Later I noticed the device was OFF. It will not turn ON. I have tried multiple chargers, but still no joy.
I have not opened it. Does anyone with some more technical knowledge have any ideas about this?
Anyone tried to RMA an OpenWRT unit?
Later I noticed the device was OFF. It will not turn ON. I have tried multiple chargers, but still no joy.
Left Led (Power) is On and green?
When you connect your switched off MLWG2 with your PC via USB there should be a new wireless interface and you should be able to see the SDCard. (tested with Linux, I dont know if Windows has the same behaviour)
(Last edited by HLK on 26 Feb 2016, 11:24)
@RangerZ, I managed to mount sd card manually after installing necessary codepages.
You can automount the SDCard using my fstab config(Github).
My MLWG2 appears dead!
I have been running the unit continuously for a couple of weeks now, frequently with it connected to power.
Yesterday I ran it most of the day off power and then plugged it in overnight. This AM I noticed a number of error boxes for each of the 2 devices connected, but just figured Windows had some how failed the LAN, and closed them. Later I noticed the device was OFF. It will not turn ON. I have tried multiple chargers, but still no joy.
I have not opened it. Does anyone with some more technical knowledge have any ideas about this?
Anyone tried to RMA an OpenWRT unit?
I have returned it and bought another one elsewhere, but your result may vary - depending on where you live (local consumer laws) and how they handle returns.
While I tried multiple chargers, I did not try multiple cables. I just plugged it in where another device was to test the USB as HLK suggested. I now do have USB access and a red charging lite. I had no lights before. Router is up.
I tried the cable on another device and it did not work, and then it did.
I guess it was just a dead battery by defective cable. Missed a bullet.
I'm currently searching for two missing I/O, which I found trough PCB Trace.
These I/Os are connected on the I2C PIN as GPIO.
Maybe this are the missing I/O for Powerbutton and second I/O for battery level.
Please consider updating the content of this page with all of your findings for GPIO, LEDs, battery etc and suggestions as to how to use these.